Something similar to what I drew on my whiteboard to get WifeAnon to understand that the WW Cabal is probably only around 100,000 people trying to control 7 billion of us. I finally just drew the daggone thing.
Pic related.
Something similar to what I drew on my whiteboard to get WifeAnon to understand that the WW Cabal is probably only around 100,000 people trying to control 7 billion of us. I finally just drew the daggone thing.
Pic related.
I believe I read somewhere that she was "disloyal" towards him (the one thing he can't tolerate).
Something about she asked him for a big favor, which he granted. Later on, he asked her for something much smaller, and she declined. Pissed him right the fuck off!
No sauce, pure memory.
I'm pushing 60 and have been hitting Crossfit (hard) since I was 49. In the best shape of my life, including my Army years (18-22).
Had a 20-some year old tailgate me and WifeAnon a couple years ago. Jumped out of my car at the red light, pulled the fucker out of his open window and threatened to beat his ass (and would have done so). Made him walk up to passenger side of my car and personally apologize to my wife. I grabbed his cell phone (which he never had time to drop) and told the other party that this sissy just backed down from an old fart.
Best day in a long time.
Thanks for posting!
I've long said that the ONLY way to make an infinite legacy is to "build other people up, and teach them to build other people up."
God bless you, Patriot!
Combine Huber with Jim Jordan (who became head of the brand new Freedom Caucus in 2015 and knew the ENTIRE PLAN back then) and you have a lightning-fast one/two punch for bringing justice to the black hats.
Checkmate, motherfuckers!
I'm very impressed with how quietly Huber, Horowitz and Sessions flew under the radar all this time. They've been some busy beavers!
Care to take a wild stab at how many man-hours it might take to create, assemble and oversee 28,900+ sealed indictments?
Trust Sessions.
Click the pic!