National Weather Service Radio transmitter down in Nashville and elsewhere.
link for today 3/30
National Weather Service Radio transmitter down in Nashville and elsewhere.
link for today 3/30
Use of satellite and weather satellite data.
Relates to 9/11
Source from NYTimes
Physical Effects of Sept. 11 Scrutinized From on High
By Andrew C. Revkin
Sept. 17, 2002
Using airborne spectrometers like those that have mapped the face of Jupiter, researchers charted potentially toxic dust from the disintegrated towers. Others pored over weather-satellite data to see how the lack of contrails in the planeless skies affected weather patterns.
Some are available at a Web site for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration,www.gsfc
At NASA's Langley Research Center, in Hampton, Va., Louis Nguyen, a computer engineer, compiled images from the weather-trackingGOES-8 satellite, pulling data recorded over New York City every quarter hour in grainy half-mile-wide pixels.
From Sept. 16 to Sept. 23, a Twin Otter airplane crossed lower Manhattan with an airborne visible-infrared imaging spectrometer,Aviris, that divines the composition of materials a mile or more below by the way they reflect or absorb sunlight.
<picrel article, images from Aviris
Environmental Studies of the World Trade Center area after the September 11, 2001 attack.
U. S. Geological Survey, Open File Report OFR-01-0429 Version 1.1
Chemistry Table 1. This Table summarizes data for major elements and all trace elements analyzed in the WTC dust and beam coating samples