It’s Buttigieg. That’s been their plan since 2016 (yes, 2016). The same big $$$$ donors (e.g. David Geffen) that backed Obama in ‘08 backed Buttigieg in the D primaries. They soon realized Americans just weren’t ready to vote for that so they reluctantly went with name recognition and selected Biden. They had no excitement whatsoever over Biden but they still didn’t want Bernie (telling huh?). Anyway, they wanted and still want Buttigieg but they cannot get him elected President. What they can do is get Biden out and throw Harris a bone somewhere (SCOTUS maybe), and put Buttigieg in the position. The most likely scenario is they remove Harris and Biden picks Buttigieg to replace her. Then they remove Biden andvoilathey have the one they wanted to begin with, Buttigieg, and it’s all Constitutional. That’s probably the biggest reason behind why they’re pushing the normalization of all the gay and trans stuff. It’s predictive programming for what they’re about to do,SOON.
That’s the beauty of it (for them), he doesn’t have to run on anything. In the scenario I posted, he would just take the office by Constitutional succession. And don’t think for a second that the Dems don’t want understand this option and all the caveats and paths to make it happen. Also, could you imagine the fawning media coverage if this played out? They’d make it a hate crime to criticize him. It would be worse than it was with Obama.
HORROR FIND Anti-abortion activist Lauren Handy said ‘people will freak out when they hear’ after cops find FIVE fetuses in her home
AN ANTI-abortion activist said "people will freak out when they hear" after police found five fetuses in her home.
Lauren Handy was pictured outside of her home as cops brought out coolers containing the fetuses on Wednesday
In it’s worst form too.