are some anons starting to have fun with larping on the other side of covid? as in, wearing a bandana over mouth when in public, keeping it comfy and waiting to see when the masses start getting suspicious. because people are still wearing masks. how long until the cops start telling people to remove "masks"? also, when one realizes the panic under which the genpop has been operating for two years, one can begin to forge useful connections by larping with them
it seems that most people don't consider anything further back than 6 months. already seeing this weird indifference coming from people who were petrified of covid for two years. seems they have gotten new marching orders
anywan seen this hogwash movie, Moonfall? is it the big reveal re: hollow planets
some people have legit medical problems and got fucked by life, hoss
if you're able and strong, good for you
but don't forget how many got fucked by various means of poisoning humanity