>>15985344 (pb)
>Ukraine: military situation update with maps, March 31, 2022 [video]
Why are Russians allowing Ukrainian helicopters to resupply Mariupol five (5) per day with ammo, etc.,? Don't the Russians own the sky? Narrator just said Russians took ONE of the helicopters out today.
Are the Ukrainians shuttling civilians or designating the helos as "Red Cross"?? This doesn't make sense considering the Russian casualty rate. The rate has been high because the Azov bridades are using civilian shields which makes it harder offensively for the Russians in order to spare as many civilians as possible.
When all is said and done, and the dust finally settles there will be stories of Russian heros sacrificing themselves to save civilians. In contrast, the Ukrainian nazi war crimes and acts of genocide, rape, torture, etc., will ALL be laid at the feet of the Biden-Barry neocon war hawks who grew Ukraine's nazi proxy army to do exactly what they are, and have been, doing to Ukrainian Russians in Crimea since the U.S. planned and funded coup d'etat in 2014.
This should all be rubbed in the normies and shameful Dem faces, that our own Government has been in bed with nazis of Ukraine and likely every other mosquito infested, fetid, nazi swamp in eastern Europe, Germany, France, etc.
Perhaps peace will begin to break out after ALL the U.S. political war criminals, and their Ukrainian counterparts who instigated the 2014 uprising (and arranged for the Maidan Plaza nazi snipers), are tried for their crimes against humanity. These will include those nazi forces who have been waging a slow genocide against the Russian Ukrainians in Dombass over the last 10-years.
The American and European People MUST SEE for themselves what their governments and militaries have be secretly been doing against these innocent civilians AND the TRUTH behind the Bioweapon program aimed against the Russian People.