The thing that bothers me the most? The brashness and boldness of the enemy. They are acting like they have nothing to fear. In fact they are doubling down on things that our attention on it should make them scurry back into the darkness. What do they think have up their sleeve that makes them so bold?
Well I suppose I framing up a question as to why. I don't have the answers, but yours is pretty decent. I might follow up what you said with I suppose it make sense from this point of view:
Evil has no grace nor civility. When a good natured chess master knows he has lost, he lays down the king and takes the loss graciously. Since they are incapable of that, I guess they intend to play the game until the last move.
The Kennedy assassination damaged our society. They had to convince us it was a lone nut to draw attention away from their big plans. However, this caused everyone to look around and wonder who the next nut is. Fear, uncertainty, division. They love that too. "You should give up your guns, too many nuts".
>code names for imagery
Not quite that specific. The designation means one only gets access to the classified material on a "need to know" based on your "talent"/job function. Also implying the access is limited in scope to the bare minimum.