Cristina Laila from Gateway Pundit:
"The bulletin didn’t mention anything about Antifa or BLM terrorists."
Cristina Laila pulled the next quote from the next article.
Jana Winter from Yahoo News:
"The 26-page report concluded that the post office did not have the legal authority to compile reports on Americans involved in Black Lives Matter protests sweeping the nation."
So why did Cristina Laila state this?
"The bulletin didn’t mention anything about Antifa or BLM terrorists."
Because she herself added "terrorists" herself? So if the report or Yahoo didn't state that term directly, she could get away with that statement?
I finished Cristina's artical confused, but I started the headline mad. If you read the Yahoo article directly, you can clearly see Yahoo and the dems were mad the postal service was surveilling not just proud boys, but blm as well.
From the yahoo as well "The 26-page report concluded that the post office did not have the legal authority to compile reports on Americans involved in Black Lives Matter protests sweeping thenation."
It just seems to me that Cristina was trying to get readers to root for the wrong persons for the right reasons by using this quote. "Last we checked, “inflammatory” language was covered by the First Amendment."
Be clear, USPS was surveilling all involved in "protests" since Cristina mentioned proud boys as well. Criminal activity, certainly by blm, during protests even for just damaging a postal box could warrant surveillance. The timeframe was mostly from the Trump public Presidency, but 4 months into Potatoes Residency.
>My takeaway
Don't trust:
Yahoo News.
Postal inspector general
Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y. from The Oversight Committee.
Frank Albergo, president of the Postal Police Officers Association
"Postal Service leadership"