ThIis Project is to bring Gaia back to the light. To bring Gaia (and all her peoples) up, up through all the steps of Ascension, from the dark to this light.
Where we Go One, We go All and what it means.
What happens with your Timelines, whether the RV, the Med-Beds or the Solar Flash comes first is not controlled by us! The HUMAN COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS OF GAIA is controlling what is happening. You all give feedback through your subconscious, and you all decide together what happens. Whether the RV goes, whether this or that happens, even down to weather or wars. I know some of you think that it’s “God” that does this, but this is an INTERACTIVE EXPERIMENT, and YOU ALL ARE IN CONTROL.
So, if most humans on Gaia feel that “this is taking too long” or “this is going too fast, we need to slow it down” then that is what happens. You all decide together, and we assist in carrying out your directions. Regarding things like splitting timelines—we can assist with that, but we do not interfere. It is your collective call! Mother and Father don’t interfere either. So, I cannot tell you when Med-Beds are coming or if the RV or Ascension will happen first, etc. I can’t tell you because I don’t know. You all collectively decide that! OK? You decide it together.
You may not like to hear this, but you also collectively decide if something like a pandemic would be beneficial in the long run. Meaning, look how that has changed everyone’s lives in just a very short period. It woke many people up by taking them out of their daily grind. Many people were forced to change the way that they worked and lived. Families were able to spend more time together and the result was a change in perspective. Humans took stock of their lives and decided what was important to them. As a result, there are many positive outcomes that were realized even with the tragic loss of life; and you ALL decided that. There were those who instigated this course of action by creating the virus but collectively you allowed it to happen. And I will add that you allowed it to happen with the least number of casualties possible. It could have been a billion times worse, but you all controlled that. OK? I am trying to give you a clue on how powerful you are! Individually and as a Group.
Remember—Humanity on Gaia now is the Guiding Force of your destiny. THE ONE WHO DETERMINES YOUR FUTURE IS YOU! YOU ALL! Your Collective Consciousness! There is no need to look outside of yourselves. That’s what I wished to tell you. YOU HAVE THE POWER, so make it happen how you want it. Create the world that you want!
"When a Light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best."
The "Light" they fear is (You)
Once the truths pour out one after another then humanity will (as a collective) all be with the same mindset except for the 4-6% that are dark souls (evil ones).
Just about everyone will be on the same page soon.
They page you are on, the page that we are on right now and then change will occur rapidly.
10 days
Could this be where the dark one's rage and riot in D cities for 10 days until the people demand the military step in and stop it?
Could Trump "Show them"
Could Trump bring us to the precipice?
Would be them be blamed for how bad things got under his "leadership"
It had to be this way and you know it.