As always, thanks Baker for your service.
Anons, next week will be a week of who wants it more and in a 'who wants it more' scenario my bet will always be on anons.
As always, thanks Baker for your service.
Anons, next week will be a week of who wants it more and in a 'who wants it more' scenario my bet will always be on anons.
What are we witnessing in Ukraine? Jewish connection to NAZI Battalions and Brigades? History is written by the winners?
The JIDF has utterly failed in it's mission to stop the link between the Jewish State and NAZIs to be established. The Rabbit Hole is deep.
Oz from Turkey as a dual passport holder wants to be a US Senator. His opponent is a Hedge Fund Manager that wants to save Hedge Funds after they were complicit in bringing Big Pharma and lockdowns on our heads by manipulating the Dow Jones / S&P 500 markets and many more.
Pennsylvania - for sell to the highest bidder and Erdogan is doing his best to by PA lock stock and barrel, including the PA Supreme Court. Question - Who lives in PA? Erdogan's most capable opponent?
NAZIS and the Jewish Government and the CCP are ALL on the same team. Anons are going through a 2nd awakening. This shit was too much for the first round.
Why the 'muh joo' 24/7 365 day bombardment? Now you know why. All divisions are manufactured.
Act like a winner.
Think like a winner.
Be a winner.
Be in the company of winners.
Make winning your lifestyle.
Make winning a hobby and a leisure pursuit.
Study and meditate in pursuit of winning.
Encourage those around you to win.
Make sure that a well rounded day includes winning.
Be the guy or gal they think about when they think about winning.
Anons have not only the winning ideas, but the winning strategy to sell those ideas.
Winning isn't a job. Winning is a way of life.
The only downside of winning is having to console your enemies. Other than that, that's what anons do.
We are on course on glidepath. Anons, I won't lie. This incoming landing is going to be hot and past specs, but I'm quite sure we've been through enough touch and goes to get it done right. This is what we trained our whole lives for and I'm pretty sure we've got this under control as anons.
Anons truly just see the digital stream now and are 're-programming' for max effect. Anons are in the zone and have been for some time. BO plan worked.
BO gets the award if there is any award given for Q Research. BO outlasted ASS in a cage match with actual integrity and poise. Jim W is such a Bannon type backroom poker player. Just sayin'. Things are falling anon's way.
Everybody knows the storm clouds are on the horizon. Trump, sorry, Q+, is Sun Tzuing their ass to shreds by defining the battlefield and the conditions plus even blackmailing the FakeNews to cover it.
Q+ is on it. Be ready next week. The Q+ Army has to be ready for some out of control digital information warfare bitch slapping sessions that make Will Smith look like a boy scout.
These are the times anons. Breathe it in and remember it, for you will long for these times in out years.
There are 4953 Q Posts that completely expose the underlying world government in place to usurp the rights of citizens across the globe. That's their problem. Not us, the anons. They could work on us but it would only bring more light to the 4953 Q Posts. That's their 'real' problem. Notice they [FakeNews] never link to ''.
Anons, I cannot stress enough the impact you are having as a small undeterred group that know what is what. Next week is going to be the time when heroes are transformed into legends. I suggest you get some rest and make the most of what next week will bring that will be for the ages by any measure. This is for the history books. The winners write the history books.