Moar on nuclear material missing
Also, in 1964, President Lyndon Johnson in his State of the Union message declared
reduction in the production of highly enriched uranium and plutonium. Consequently,
Oak Ridge stopped HEU production, and Hanford and Savannah River Site shut down
four nuclear production reactors. By the early 1970s, the United States had only four
reactors in operation: the N-reactor at Hanford and three at Savannah River. In 1989, the
last of the reactors at Savannah River Site was finally shutdown due to safety concerns
So is the classified NEST report on the ASTRA computer?
Astra Apollo 70, Marvell ThunderX2 ARM CN9975-2000 28C 2GHz, 4xEDR Infiniband Sandia National Laboratories
Ivanka's SS code name (Marvel)