Anons we have to free Palestine.
it would appear a scouting mission is in order.
The reason they're using CGI Fauci (and others) is because they know that once these pawns realize the gig is up, they'll name their masters.
>Does ivermectin have a shelf life?
half life is like 2 years from manufacture date, but that's not the whole story. You have about 5 years if it's sealed before its no longer worth taking.
I'm happy Chris Rock is Anon
It's cool when Blackniggers give no fucks about the magicians tricks. Makes a snownigger like me appreciate the effort put forth to break the spells.
>I miss it bros
I often feel the same but then I go to the gym and figure it's too much work. To each their own, it used to be worth it, but things change.
if you missed it enough, you wouldn't be posting here.
the only problem is, real Anons never wanted to be right.
>It just goes to show how powerful the media is.
Here Anon
Fly this flag or print it into a t-shirt. Then show people you support Ukraine!
>Anyone have any theories
Just an anecdotal data point.
I work graveyard and there have been a couple gigantic men posing has homeless. How do I know? Big wads of cash in their pocket, delapidated clothing and 200 dollar boots on. Never use food stamp cards, but they 'look homeless' however, they're giant men with baseball mitts for hands and you can just tell when you're in the presence of something powerful. These dudes are scary af.
If it had been 1, I would toss it aside as an oddity, but I've seen numerous, possibly 5-6 of these guys, and they always come in between 3-4am.
adding my .02
it's been on my mind for a bit. I think the mask thing has something to do with it and now that the mask mandate is over, i think we'll be finding out what it's all been about.
God didn't give men boobs because he wanted things to get done.
The holocoaster is bullshit
>Ironically it was stolen
imagine riding all those?