What do anons think of Gen. MIlley at this point? Is this guy playing a part or is he still trying to figure out what white rage is? If he is DS then it should raise a question or two about our POTUS's vetting capabilities and judgement in those that he surrounded himself with. I just don't see this man, our POTUS, getting played like this. Milley looks like a hard ass motherfucker who would tolerate foolishness and TREASON for about a nano-second. Is it possible he buys into the woke shit that is destroying our military, our country?
Hmm…………………"Proof"? Someone care to explain this gibberish? The motherfuckers who watch the Oscars are awake? Don't believe it for a fucking second.
I lean that direction also anon. He had some very derogatory things to say about our POTUS and he certainly hasn't garnered any favor with me with his "woke" bullshit testimony before congress.
Did he play Trump?
Yea, I know. Just told other anon that I'm not convinced Milley is true. It makes zero sense that the top people in our military would allow all of this to happen to our country. The only plausible reason I can think of is supported by Occam's Razor principle. Simply, they are compromised and [They] have something on them that would destroy everything they've ever done their entire lives including their families.
Wesley Clark is the poster child of the subversive higher ranked progs who work to undermine the country. McCrystal is another.
Yea, I know. Doesn't make his influence any less though.