In this photo taken outside Kyiv on July 14, 2017, a student at a paramilitary camp for children calls the rank to attention.
In a short time, the gentleman from Grand Rapids proved that behind the affability was firm resolve. When a U.S. ship called the Mayaguez was seized by Cambodia, President Ford made the tough decision to send in the Marines, and all the crew members were rescued. He was criticized for signing the Helsinki accords, yet history has shown that document helped bring down the Soviet Union, as courageous men and women behind the Iron Curtain used it to demand their God-given liberties. Twice assassins attempted to take the life of this good and decent man, yet he refused to curtail his public appearances. And when he thought that the Nation needed to put Watergate behind us, he made the tough and decent decision to pardon President Nixon, even though that decision probably cost him the Presidential election.
>ADL is
>a legion of smart asses
Stay on target.
>To all my fellow autists a reminder today is World Autism Awareness Day.
make it count
>targets of Pegasus did include Jamal Khashoggi