1866 Peace of Prague (1866) Ends Austro-Prussian War.
1867 Alaska Purchase The United States buys Alaska from Russia.
Medicine Lodge Treaty Negotiations between the United States and Native Americans.
Treaty of London (1867)[note 18] An international accord in the aftermath of the Austro-Prussian War and the Luxembourg Crisis.
1868 Burlingame Treaty Establishes relations between the United States and China.
Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868) Ends Red Cloud's War.
Bancroft Treaties (Treaty on Naturalization) The North German Confederation recognizes the legal right of its subjects to become citizens of the United States; the first European government to do so.
1871 Treaty of Frankfurt (1871) Ends the Franco-Prussian War.
Treaty of Washington (1871) Settles grievances between the United States and Great Britain.
Treaty 1 (Stone Fort Treaty) Ojibwe and Swampy Cree Indians of southeastern Manitoba accept the sovereignty of Canada.[76]
Treaty 2 (Manitoba Post Treaty) Ojibwe Indians of southwestern Manitoba accept the sovereignty of Canada.[76]
1873 Iron Rhine Treaty Regulates the passage of a railway line from Antwerp (in Belgium) to Mönchengladbach (in Germany) over Dutch territory in Limburg.
Treaty 3 (Northwest Angle Treaty) Ojibwe Indians of eastern Manitoba and western Ontario accept the sovereignty of Canada.[77][78]
1874 Pangkor Treaty of 1874 Perak becomes the first Malay state to accept British Resident.
Treaty of Berne Universal Postal Union becomes the second oldest international organization.
Second Treaty of Saigon Reiterates the Treaty of Saigon (1862); the Red River (Song Hong) opens for trade, as well as the ports of Hanoi, Haiphong and Qui Nonh.
Treaty 4 (Qu'appelle Treaty) Cree and Saulteaux Indians of southern Saskatchewan accept the sovereignty of Canada.[79]
1875 Treaty of Saint Petersburg (1875) In exchange for the Kuril Islands, Japan relinquishes claims on Sakhalin.
Convention du Mètre[note 118] An international treaty that establishes three organizations to oversee the keeping of metric standards.
Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 A free trade agreement between the United States and the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Treaty 5 Saulteaux and Swampy Cree Indians, and Michel Band métis of Manitoba accept the sovereignty of Canada.[80]
1876 Japan–Korea Treaty of 1876[note 119] First Unequal treaty of Korean Joseon dynasty.
Treaty 6 Plain and Wood Cree and Assiniboine Indians of central Alberta and Saskatchewan accept the sovereignty of Canada.
1877 London Protocol (1877) Great Britain agrees to remain neutral in any conflict between the Ottoman Empire and Russia.
Treaty 7 Blackfoot, Nakota, and Sarcee Indians of Alberta accept the sovereignty of Canada.[82]
1878 Cyprus Convention The Ottoman Empire cedes Cyprus to Great Britain in return for military support against Russia
Pact of Zanjón Ends the Cuban Ten Years' War.
Treaty of San Stefano Ends the Russo-Turkish War (1877–78) between Russia and the Ottoman Empire.
Treaty of Berlin (1878) Amends the Treaty of San Stefano.
1879 Treaty of Gandamak Ends the first phase of the Second Anglo-Afghan War.
1881 Boundary treaty of 1881 between Chile and Argentina Chile and Argentina define their boundary.
Treaty of Akhal Persia officially recognizes the annexation of Khwarazm by Russia.
Treaty of Bardo[note 120] Tunisia becomes a protectorate of France.
<gahy dog farts got feathers to write all that