There is no Durham. A real Durham would've been deaded by now.
During trumps rally last night. Truckers were getting a police escort around a dirt track. Purdy cool maaan. Yes sir reeee.
WW truckers have Freedom Convoys. Murican truckers gotta be differen and be Peoples Convoy. Lets drive coast to coast back n forth n burn diesel n really fuck up the surply chain…yeeehaw!!!
If the moran truckers wanted exposure they should be following and parking at Trump rallies.
More truck rallies for the big guy!
Ted Cruz chickenheaded all through the meeting and got a cool handle…Cruz Control. YEEEEHAW!!!!
The People Convoy needs more shriner cars.
Anon, did you hear Trump’s comments on the People's Convoy last night?
What US city goes ablaze 1st? Portland? Chicago? Baltimore? Mayberry? Its getting warmer out.