>What Is The "Great Reset" And What Do The Globalists Actually Want?
they want 7 billion "useless eaters" to die.
>What Is The "Great Reset" And What Do The Globalists Actually Want?
they want 7 billion "useless eaters" to die.
>>wasn't there something with the monoatomic state of gold looking like white powder?
if you make the particles small enough, almost anything becomes a white powder.
btw, "monoatomic state of gold" is technobabble jargonspeak gibberish.
only a single ISOLATED gold atom is "monoatomic."
under the conditions present on earth, gold atoms will always spontaneously assemble themselves into a metallic crystal.
sorryโฆ. NOT sorry.
hanging is too good for them. i'm sure some sick bastards long ago perfected the methods of creating a state of perpetual agony without causing death. THAT is what i want for all of these bastards. keep them alive as long as possible and in a state of unbearable suffering.
i don't care if it makes me a bad person for wishing that, i'll make my peace with God when it's my time.
there is no Y in egypt