Ok, I get it
Been watching a long time now. I think when anons really learn the depths of your posts its going to flip a switch. Thanks again for giving a different route its been a ride
Hi shill. Can you elaborate what is fake about it? Since you're trying to stop anons from seeing the dasting correlations to Q posts what exactly are you saying is fake? Baker was picking up the comms last night because they saw it too and no doubt many others. So articulately extrapolate what is specifically fake about the numerous paired posts with Q?
Is this literally your final answer shill? Your only explanation is shill baker? Why can't you debonk the dozens of posts timed perfectly with Q? Why are you resorting to petty preschool grade ad hominem? Go on explain fully? Because if this is your final answer then you fail to convince your point spectacularly. In fact you're working against yourself. You are literally proving that you have ZERO fucking facts to support your claims and your claim is purely to stop anons from looking into it. I've been watching on here for a long time and some of those paired posts go way beyond coincidences.
Hahaha haha remember when Q posted WITHOUT a tripcode and said "private comms will be important in the future"?
Sorry shill Q posted deliberately without a tripc9de to show that helper anons from the team are posting on here w/o trip. You are digging yourself a deeper hole.