How’s come the DS has all the next level power, knowledge and information? We ever gonna get us normies some of that good stuff?
What is is that everyone fights for in the mid-East? Bombing the shit out of it forever. Don’t say oil cause that’s BS. What’s there?
I want the book of knowledge. I know somewhere, the truth about our past, present and future is written. It is protected. Where is it? Who is protecting it? How can do much information be kept from coming out?
95% of the population is pissed off about how 5% of the population is running shit into the ground. Killing culture, wealth, families, morals, etc. Will we ever rid ourselves of these monsters or are we doomed to allow our continuous slow decay? This old man is tired but will keep praying.
Public school teachers are the most self righteous and lazy NPCs in each and every community. Definitely a problem. They serve the State.
Is gorefag hanging out over on 4chan? That site has been lots of dead bodies for a few weeks. Mods over there really pushing that shit hard.
They were spraying the hell out of the skies yesterday.