Liars gonna lie….all the time. Not like they get up in the morning and think, "You know, I think that today I'll tell the truth for once." So we see these pathetic shitbags announcing that they have "liberated" the Kiev region from those monster Russkies, who were royally whupped, and left the streets full of bodies when they ran with their Russkie tails between their legs, and viciously left mines everywhere. Never mind that the UKR military has been destroyed. Never mind that this is TOTAL VICTORY for Russia, which achieved ALL its aims. Never mind that they could have taken Kiev at any time, but had no reason. The slime crow the lie, as they lay there beaten to a pulp. There are plenty here who believe every word of the lie, just like their pitiful selves always have. Oh well, let them taste reality as it moves in on them, for the fake world they have gladly inhabited is now gone.