When the first steel door slams shut and they got only a steel toilet/drink fountain and a steel table with a fruit bowl for three days waiting for the door to open again. The shock is enough to break the mass psychosis flawwed subconscious memory segment.
No Gimp Justice, No Gimp Peace
An ongoin challenge to embed rumble.. I suppose it's as good of try as any. lol
That code works pasted into text.
I think it's got a < code tag causing it to be plain text.. just sayin..
"It knows that we knows"
does it know I was bullied and that's why I bullied with LOVE in reverse?
it's not live anymore
Right about now I expect the whole Biden Family want's to puke and fill pant with fudge.
Find things that are growng already. get the seeds.
Get seed catalog and order some.
Experiment with "NO GMO you bring home from market/store"
I am not totally convinced all GMO is bad.
Grafted Trees for example. Nothing sinister there.
I worry more about ROUND UP aka poison that will actually cause me inflamation.
Genetic tampering and tha freaks puttin mRNA in tobacco plants and lettuce.
it's too bad the sheriff can't arrest the Pentagon and stop the $300 million in military aid to Ukraine.
totally for cerials don't forget your hormone blocks totally unknown gemder person.
I don't belive it 90% heroin from AF.. no.
The CHINA/MEXICO (open border) fentanyl has replaced it.
Furthermore, Afghanistan just stole 81 billion of classified weapons. I don't trust a damn thing they say.
IN the bill of rights, "The right to "feeling"
Why not just do (OSINT) Open Source Intel and who cares. By the time you type all that up why not find something real to talk about.
Potatus gave it to em.
Show proofs. The base commanders signed for their benchstock and crap, I want talk to them.
Start by sending everyone not vetted back.
>potato gave it to them for the chinese
Show Proofs, why do you believe this for? What source? Show me the invetory signatures for the Equipment in the Parts warehouses. Let me talk to the base commander in a supermax prison.
>They didn't steal them, Biden gave them to them. Much as Carter did in the late 70's.
But first you must show me your HIGHER SOURCE.
I just have to say, if (OSINT) puts a stop to the black hand or Q, or George Webb, or Tracey Beans, or STYX or Prather's point or Salty Cracker, or Amazing Poly or Steve bannon can put a stop to the black hand DoD/DTRA, then I don't really CARE what anyone thinks.
And if the thiner is Smith Mundt Modernization Act media, I could give no fudges what they think.
iLDonaldTrumpo is CatTurd I thought. so Catturd quoting Trump.
check. noted.
See (lurkers) we don't need to fight.
I can't believe Mcinterney and all those Airline pilots screwed up. Ever I a freakin NOBODY saw thru this fudge
Cogradulations most people don't get past the CHEST feeding to see the Malta foreign interferrence in an election.
Chest feeding, Humble Gay Mayor from Indiana Right? On Maternity Leave Right?