Anons, those with brains who don't rely on twattlers to tell them what's happening. First, take two hours and watch this movie:
It's about a military coup. It came up long ago, not but Q himself, but an anon, I think.
Anyways, can't tell you all the clues I've had except to refer you to Q mentions of May. Over 190. But here are some important ones:
Multiple times when Ephesians is quoted, 4700, 4385, 4363, 4354, 4353, 4352, 4010 (May 1st is Law Day), 4008, 3559, 3557, 3331, 3174, 3170 (MAY DAY), 2702, 1643, 1595 (see cap below), 1250 (OBL killed 5/2/11), 998 & 997 (Pope terrible May).
Everything goes down between 5/19-27. The Preakness this year is 5/21, btw. That's in the movie.
I've got to tie in AT&T, also nailed by Q a few times. That's important.