how about fuck you and the jew you rode in on you lame ass bot
>maybe if i act like im fighting and calling out shills then everyone will think im not one and then proceed to listen to everything i say as the almighty gospel
does this kindergarten shit work on other forums or just pretty much everyone lets this gay fucking shit repeatedly slide for, what, going on 5 years now so you think it's of any importance whatsoever
it's not about getting people to wake up at this point
it's about those in positions to do something about what's gone on needing to take action
people generally know what's going on
past time to stop coddling people and drop the fucking hammer or eventually it's like the boy who cried wolf story
surprised it's not at that point already as many are in the wake me up when something goes down category
that's essentially what the lock her up chant has become for me
just another talking point for the r's to sell slogan merch with no action being taken
there's got to come a time when people gotta realize a lot of npc's want to be npc's as ignorance is bliss
many people won't do shit regardless until they're directly affected by something
if he would have went full dictator then that would have caused probably a major war since the enemy media would have did what they do and fire up the propaganda war drums
who knows what the mil is doing behind the curtain though and huber/durham
a pick me up is due