Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 4:31 a.m. No.16008674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8686 >>8745 >>8791 >>8846 >>9109 >>9251 >>9303

>>16008275 Brian Cates: Head of US counterintell admits there's a DS & we have been infiltrated

>>16008284, >>16008285 Moar counterintel info

>>16008304, >>16008306, >>16008307, >>16008308, >>16008309 Cates followup - Counterintel threats


Did Bidan know the intel community would be coming out with info like, he knew Hunter, Kerry, all Associates including himself would be caught?.

So did he set up Putin and Russia to take the fall, when he gave him 16 critical infrastructures in the US that he said Putin couldnt attack? Very Likely


VLADIMIR PUTIN Updated on June 16, 2021

Biden gave Putin list of 16 critical infrastructure entities 'off limits' to cyberattacks

Those entities included energy, water and more

President Biden told reporters Wednesday he gave President Vladimir Putin a list of 16 critical infrastructure entities that are "off limits" to a Russian cyberattack.


Those entities include energy, water, health care, emergency, chemical, nuclear, communications, government, defense, food, commercial facilities, IT, transportation, dams, manufacturing and financial services.


"We'll find out whether we have a cybersecurity arrangement that begins to bring some order," Biden said.Putin, for his part, denied any involvementin a recent spate of cyberattacks that have hit major industries across the U.S.

"I looked at him. I said, ‘How would you feel if ransomware took on the pipelines from your oil fields?’ He said, ‘It would matter.’ This is not about just our self-interest." the president said

Biden refused to say if military action was on the table if Russia was found to be responsible for a ransomware attack.

"In terms of the red line you laid down is military response an option for a ransomware attack?" a reporter asked.

"Thank you very much," Biden said as he abruptly tried to end the shorter-than-expected conference. "No, we didn't talk about military response," he said when pressed again.

Biden in another moment had said he didn't make any threats but rather "simple assertions."

Biden stressed the need for both nation "to take action against criminals that conduct ransomware activities on their territory."


Putin, in his own press conference after the meeting, claimed thatAmerican sources say that a "majority" of the cyberattacks in the world come from within the U.S.


The number of organizations affected by ransomware has jumped 102% compared to the beginning of 2020 and "shows no sign of slowing down," according to a research note last month from IT security firm Check Point.

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 4:39 a.m. No.16008683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8687

>>16008493 By Vasko Kohlmayer from Am. Thinker: Compromised Biden Cannot Lead America or the World


The article fot curious researchers

April 4, 2022

Compromised Biden Cannot Lead America or the World

By Vasko Kohlmayer

Last week the Russian government held a press conference where it aired accusations of breathtaking corruption on the part of Joe Biden and his family.

Unfortunately, this event was no fake news Russian propaganda. The incriminating evidence presented at the event came straight from the hard drive that belonged to Joe Biden’s son Hunter.


As you may know, in 2019 Hunter Biden carelessly abandoned his laptop at a computer repair shop in Delaware. This was an act of astounding recklessness, since the emails, text messages, files, photos, and videos contained on that computer provided extensive record of greed, corruption, bribery and graft, not only on his part but also on the part of his father and other members of their family.


When the New York Post tried to report on the hard drive in October 2020, the America mainstream media and law enforcement authorities refused to acknowledge it or take appropriate action. Rather than commencing an investigation, the establishment falsely claimed that the hard drive was a product of “Russian disinformation.” They did this even though they knew it was real. The staff of the New York Post conducted an extensive, multi-level authentication process to ensure that the hard drive was genuine, and they made the details of this process available to anyone who cared to check.

The establishment, however, banded together and refused to act. Instead of investigating the guilty party, they attacked the messenger and went into overdrive to censor the incriminating information under the cover of the “Russian disinformation” canard. With the collaboration of Big Tech and the legacy media, they managed to suppress the truth and left most voters unaware of the hard drive’s contents. Most of those who managed to hear of it still believed that it was Russian disinformation. That they fell for the establishment’s lie is not so surprising, given the revelations seemed too outrageous to be factual.

Needless to say, it was all true. In the months following the November 2020 election, various individuals and media outlets were gradually forced to admit that the hard drive was, indeed, real. The hyper partisan New York Times and the Washington Post are among the latest to confirm this fact.


But even though the establishment has largely succeeded in keeping this information from the American public,their malfeasance is now coming to back to bite us. This is because foreign entities and governments also have Hunter Biden’s hard drive, and they are now using it to point out the obvious corruption of our president and the whole of the Washington establishment. In other words, they will do the job that our media and legal system refused to do when the scandal was first brought up in America….


They will do this before the eyes of the whole world and will bring shame on what the international community now increasingly views as a corrupt American president who leads a corrupt administration.


We got a taste of this last Thursday when the Kremlin used Hunter’s messages to show he apparently facilitated and financially benefited from bioweapons research in Ukraine. And even though the American mainstream media – true to form – refused to report on it, the rest of the world saw the evidence clear and loud. This is the headline from the British MailOnline:…

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 4:48 a.m. No.16008694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8714 >>8846 >>9109 >>9251 >>9303

April 4, 2022

Biden’s Wealth Tax – Class Envy Hiding Economic Malpractice

By Brian C. Joondeph

President Joe Biden is likely staring these days at the rising budget deficit along with his desire to spend far more money than the US Treasury has in its coffers. He must also notice his sinking poll numbers and dim prospects for his party in the November midterm elections. In response he has proposed a wealth tax on the uber rich.


The White House calls it the “billionaire minimum income tax” which is neither limited to billionaires nor is a tax on income. Anyone with a basic understanding of economics may call it instead an “economic malpractice tax”.


As the Wall Street Journal notes, “It’s a new tax on Americans with $100 million or more in assets whose effective tax rate in any year is less than 20% of their income.” Biden is off by an order of magnitude on the billionaire description, like calling someone with $100,000 in net worth a millionaire.


The other fraudulent part is calling it an income taxwhen it is instead a wealth tax. Per the WSJ, “The 20% minimum tax rate would apply both to ordinary income and the increase in the value of assets in a given year.” An appreciated asset is not considered income until it is sold.

If business owners or entrepreneurs grow their assets through hard work, reinvestment, or just good luck, all they have are unrealized gains, taxable when those gains are realized by selling the asset. And if the asset value rose quickly, it could just as easily fall quickly, perhaps after the IRS collects its tax. Would the IRS then refund the tax if the asset suddenly loses value? No way.


In addition, how would such a taxpayer pay the tax bill? Just because someone has a $100 million asset, that doesn’t mean they have cash on hand to pay the tax man.What if the asset increased in value by $25 million? The Biden tax of 20% would require a $5 million check to the IRS, cash entrepreneurs or business owners may not have on hand if they are reinvesting profits into growing their business.


Simply having an appreciating asset is not the same as having income. The business owners may be taking little in the way of salary, deferring such until their business has matured or is sold. Should an aspiring athlete, say a first-round draft pick, be taxed at signing day on their potential $100 million contract, even if they haven’t yet played a single game or earned any of that contracted salary? Yet that is how wealthy business owners or investors are being treated under the guise of “pay your fair share.”…

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 4:52 a.m. No.16008704   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Would Putin Use Nuclear Weapons?


The prospect of a nuclear exchange between Russia and the United States seemed, until recently, to have ended with the Cold War. Threats by Russian President Vladimir Putin to use the weapons to keep NATO out of the Ukraine conflict have revived those decades-old fears.


The threats come amid the fraying of nuclear arms control agreements between the two nuclear superpowers that had stabilized strategic relations for decades.


As an arms control expert,I see the war in Ukraine as an added strain but not a fatal blow to the systemthat has helped to keep the world from nuclear devastation. That system has evolved over decades and allows U.S. and Russian officials to gauge how close the other side is to launching an attack.


Keeping an eye on each other

Arms control treaties rely on each of the nuclear superpowers sharing information about deployed delivery systems – missiles or bombers that could be used to deliver nuclear warheads – and to permit the other side to verify these claims. The treaties usually include numerical limits on weapons, and implementation of a treaty typically begins with baseline declarations by each side of numbers and locations of weapons. Numbers are updated annually. The two sides also regularly notify each other of significant changes to this baseline through what are now called Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers.


A key element of all arms control treaties has been the two sides’ ability to use “national technical means,” such as satellites, along with remote monitoring techniques such as radiation detectors, tags and seals, to monitor compliance. Remote monitoring techniques are designed to distinguish individual items such as missiles that are limited by treaty and to ensure that they are not tampered with.


The 1987 Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty introduced a major innovation: the use of on-site inspections. Before that treaty, the Soviets had resisted U.S. proposals to include such inspections in verification. But as Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev moved domestically to a process of glasnost (openness), he embraced on-site inspections, and similar provisions have been included in subsequent treaties. They include both regular announced inspections and a certain number of annual unannounced short-term challenge inspections to guard against cheating.


The history of keeping nuclear arms in check

National security scholars such as Thomas Schelling and Morton Halperin developed the concept of arms control in the late 1950s and early 1960s amid an accelerating U.S.-Soviet arms race. Arms control measures were designed to increase transparency and predictability to avoid misunderstandings or false alarms that could lead to an accidental or unintended nuclear conflict. As the concept evolved, the goal of arms control measures became ensuring that defenders could respond to any nuclear attack with one of their own, which reduced incentives to engage in a nuclear war in the first place.


The approach gained traction after the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis when the surprise deployment of Soviet nuclear-armed missiles less than 100 miles from the U.S. brought the world to the verge of nuclear war. Initial agreements included the 1972 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks agreement (SALT 1), which put the first ceilings on U.S. and Soviet nuclear weapons. Subsequently, Gorbachev negotiated the INF treaty and Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I), which brought reductions in the two sides’ nuclear forces…..

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 4:58 a.m. No.16008722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8732 >>8784 >>8937

Russia Doesn't Train Troops for Urban Warfare. It's About to Learn the Consequences in Ukraine.


8 Mar 2022Hmmm | By Gary Anderson

Vladimir Putin's plan for a quick decapitation of Ukraine's government and swift capitulation of its major cities was the first casualty of his war. Now, the Russian military is faced with urban combat, something for which it is not prepared.


Russian combined-arms doctrine has generally advised against making cities primary objectives. The belief has been that if the enemy's main force in the field is destroyed, then his cities will surrender.


Although Russian special forces are probably given some instruction in urban combat, there is no indication that the average conscript has any training in the physical and psychological rigors of street fighting.


This leaves the Russians two options if major Ukrainian cities continue to resist. The first is a prolonged siege to starve the Ukrainians out; the second is to blast the cities into rubble. Those options are not mutually exclusive. Both can be used simultaneously, but both are ugly and will earn Russia the enmity of the rest of the world for years to come.


The Russians got away with leveling Grozny in the Chechen Republic in 1994 because the Chechen rebels were portrayed as vicious terrorists. Horrific events such as the Beslan school siege made it difficult to sympathize with those in charge of the Chechen revolt.


The Russian military wrote off its campaign against the Chechens as anomalistic and got on with business as usual. Americans drew a different lesson from our urban warfare experience in Somalia in 1993. During that conflict, we saw the use of willing human shields swarming over our troops and the skillful manipulation of propaganda to incite the urban population against U.S. and U.N. forces that had come into the country originally to help the very people that we were now fighting.


Beginning in 1994, the Marine Corps began serious efforts to examine the problems of urban combat in a modern, media-dominated environment. The long-term study began with war games. In 1998, Commandant Gen. Charles Krulak directed the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab to conduct a series of major urban experiments, dubbed Urban Warrior. The initial results were not encouraging. In one experiment in Oakland, California, the blue (American) force took 75% casualties.


As the lab's chief of staff, I told a Washington Post reporter that "we suck at this." But I was confident we would learn from the experience. As time went on, we developed several promising technological aids to assist in fighting in urban environments. These included small robots for disabling booby traps, scalable airborne munitions that could take out a room in a structure rather than destroying the whole building, and even protective clothing such as kneepads to make entrance through windows less hazardous. We also experimented with nonlethal weapons capable of incapacitating rather than killing when fighters used civilians as human shields. And every infantryman would eventually get a sniper scope.


However, the most revealing lessons learned were tactical. As in football, quantity does not have a quality of its own in urban warfare. You can put only so many players on the field at a time in an urban canyon. Urban combat is largely a squad leader's war, and the better-trained and better-led squad will usually win. This led us to develop two concepts that would eventually serve the Marine Corps well in Iraq and Afghanistan. Krulak dubbed them the "Three Block War" and the "Strategic Corporal."


The Three Block War refers to the possibility that a small unit may have to transition quickly from full-scale urban combat on one block to peacekeeping/police operations on another, and humanitarian operations on a third. In our experiments, we found that the mental transition from one situation to another needs to be near instantaneous and requires special leadership skills.


This leads to the concept of the Strategic Corporal. Most of our urban experiments were conducted in actual cities under intense media scrutiny. In the San Francisco Bay area, a significant portion of the population was suspicious if not outright hostile toward the military….

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 5:09 a.m. No.16008758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8779 >>8794 >>8846 >>9109 >>9251 >>9303 approves of Propaganda in the US and the World to fool the masses

Making Top-Secret Intelligence Public Is Unusual – But Helped the US Rally theWorld Against Putin


In the weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine, President Joe Biden and U.S. national security officials provided the public with a running stream of intelligence of the sort that is usually classified. The administration announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin was assembling troops along the eastern border of Ukraine and provided pictures of that buildup. Russia had a "kill list," with plans to detain or kill Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and other prominent Ukrainians. Biden said that Russia was going to invade Ukraine "in the coming days."

The Conversation U.S. asked international relations scholarStephen Long at the University of Richmondto analyze why the U.S. government made the choice to do this and what effect it had.

Are these disclosures of very specific material by the government unusual?

A fascinating set of events played out in the runup to this war. There was the national security adviser of the United States, Jake Sullivan, going out in front of the cameras and revealing intelligence that must have come from the highest sources that the U.S. has, not just inside of Ukraine, but inside of Russia, and making this information public in a way that is unprecedented.

That really made this war one of the most clearly and completely anticipated conflicts that the world has seen in this century

It's unprecedented for good old-fashioned reasons of the intelligence trade: You don't want to endanger or reveal your secret sources of information.

If you have good sources, especially within a highly repressive regime, those sources are pure gold to you. The last thing that you want to do is reveal information that could make it easier for that regime to identify them. Even just a few pieces of leaked intelligence could be sufficient, because they could allow the government to identify meetings in which a certain person was present, or a certain set of people was present, and they can then narrow down their list of suspects.

What information did the government give the public?

U.S. officials gave very detailed descriptions of the building up of Russian troops. They described the types of weapons that were being assembled in advance of an invasion. I recall one instance in which Putin had claimed that this buildup was all in support of the planned military exercises with Belarus. That's when the U.S. revealed it had evidence of blood supplies being moved to the temporary encampments of Russian troops, and asked why they would need supplies of blood on the premises to back up military exercises.

There was a pattern to the pronouncements: Almost right away after Putin said something about his intentions, the U.S. revealed something that showed he was lying. Nina Jankowicz, an information warfare scholar, has referred to this technique as "prebunking."

For example, the U.S. made public information about Russia's plans to frame the Ukrainians for launching attacks across the Russian border – what are known as "false flag" events. The U.S. revealed the Russians were planning to do this before the Russians actually did it – and that, I think, prevented Russia from using such a trumped-up attack as a pretext to invade Ukraine.

Was this strategy something new for US intelligence? It was extremely clever and very new. And it was risky in the sense that, of course, Putin could have changed direction at the last minute and withdrawn all of these troops. So there was the possibility that the revealed information would appear to be incorrect after the fact. But the greatest risk, of course, was to the sources.

Why would they take that risk?

Why would an intelligence agency be willing to endanger highly placed sources, perhaps even within the Russian regime or in its military? My intuition, although I don't have any hard facts about it, is simply that first, you had very brave sources, who were genuinely trying to prevent an unnecessary war. In my view, those sources were trying to prevent their young soldiers from being sent across the border to do something unnecessary for Russian security. I would also say that the U.S. intelligence community judged that the importance of preventing this war was greater than any loss of potential avenues for it to receive good intelligence…

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 5:12 a.m. No.16008773   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukraine War Follows Decades of Warnings that NATO Expansion Could Provoke Russia


The opposing view argues that Russia’s security concerns are in fact genuine, and that NATO expansion eastward is seen by Russians as directed against their country. Putin has been clear for many years that if continued, the expansion would likely be met with serious resistance by the Russians, even with military action.


That perspective isn’t held just by Russians; some influential American foreign policy experts have subscribed to it as well.


Among others, Biden’s CIA director, William J. Burns, has been warning about the provocative effect of NATO expansion on Russia since 1995. That’s when Burns, then a political officer in the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, reported to Washington that “hostility to early NATO expansion is almost universally felt across the domestic political spectrum here.”


NATO edging toward Russia

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, is a military alliance that was formed by the U.S., Canada and several European nations in 1949 to contain the USSR and the spread of communism.


Now, the view in the West is that it is no longer an anti-Russian alliance but is instead a kind of collective security agreement aimed at protecting its members from outside aggression and promoting peaceful mediation of conflicts within the alliance.


Recognizing the sovereignty of all states and their right to ally with whatever state they wish, NATO acceded over time to the requests of European democracies to join the alliance. Former members of the Soviet-established Warsaw Pact, which was a Soviet version of NATO, were also brought into NATO in the 1990s, along with three former Soviet republics – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – in 2004.


The Western view is that the Kremlin is supposed to understand and accept that the alliance’s activities, among them war games replete with American tanks staged in nearby Baltic states and rockets stationed in Poland and Romania – which the U.S. says are aimed at Iran – in no way present a threat to Russian security.


Many warnings about Russia’s reaction

Russian elite and broad public opinion have both long been opposed to such expansion, the placement of American rockets in Poland and Romania and the arming of Ukraine with Western weaponry.


When President Bill Clinton’s administration moved to bring Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic into NATO, Burns wrote that the decision was “premature at best, and needlessly provocative at worst.”


He continued, “As Russians stewed in their grievance and sense of disadvantage, a gathering storm of ‘stab in the back’ theories slowly swirled, leaving a mark on Russia’s relations with the West that would linger for decades.”


In June 1997, 50 prominent foreign policy experts signed an open letter to Clinton, saying, “We believe that the current U.S. led effort to expand NATO … is a policy error of historic proportions” that would “unsettle European stability.”


In 2008, Burns, then the American ambassador to Moscow, wrote to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice: “Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all redlines for the Russian elite (not just Putin). In more than two and a half years of conversations with key Russian players, from knuckle-draggers in the dark recesses of the Kremlin to Putin’s sharpest liberal critics, I have yet to find anyone who views Ukraine in NATO as anything other than a direct challenge to Russian interests.”…

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 5:16 a.m. No.16008782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8846 >>9109 >>9251 >>9252 >>9303

4 Apr, 2022 11:52


Russia to reap huge profits from energy exports — media


Estimated revenues from sales of oil & gas to amount to $321 billion


Russia’s energy revenue is expected to skyrocket this year if trading partners continue purchases of oil and gas from the sanction-hit country.


Russia will get an estimated $321 billion in energy exports in 2022, marking a surge of more than a third compared to last year, according to a Bloomberg analysis published Friday.


“The single biggest driver of Russia’s current account surplus continues to look solid,” Bloomberg quoted economists at the Institute of International Finance (IFF), as saying in a report.


“With current sanctions in place, substantial inflows of hard currency into Russia look set to continue.”


The IFF analysts highlighted that a potential energy embargo by the EU, the UK, and the US would lead to an inevitable decline in output of more than 20% and could cost Russia as much as $300 billion in export receipts, depending on price swings. The country is also on track for a record current-account surplus that experts say may reach as high as $240 billion.


Russia is the world’s largest natural gas exporter and third largest oil exporter. Some countries, including the US and the UK, have placed a ban on imports of Russian energy as part of sanctions over the conflict in Ukraine. However, the EU has refused to do so, while the US and Britain continue to buy Russian oil and gas.


Global crude prices have surged over 30% so far this year, with prices pushed beyond $100 per barrel on concerns over supply shortages from Russia at a time of high global demand. Gas prices have also hit multi-year highs.


In March, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia will only accept payment for energy exports in rubles from countries deemed “unfriendly” by the Kremlin due to their sanctions policies.

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 5:17 a.m. No.16008790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8825 >>8846 >>9109 >>9251 >>9303

4 Apr, 2022 09:04

HomeBusiness News

Baltic state may agree to pay for Russian gas in rubles


A Latvian gas operator says the procedure doesn’t breach Western sanctions


Latvia’s main gas operator says it won’t rule out paying for Russian natural gas in rubles, revealing that the new settlement method announced by Moscow is being evaluated from a legal and business perspective.


“According to the first impression, the settlement procedure in Russian rubles does not formally violate the sanctions regime and is possible,” Latvijas Gaze said in a statement.


Earlier, Aigars Kalvitis, the board chairman of Latvijas Gaze, which is partially owned by Russia’s Gazprom, said the company couldn’t pay for natural gas supplies from Russia in rubles, since the current contract stipulates that all transactions must be made in euro.


Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the government to take necessary steps to switch all payments for gas sales involving “hostile” countries to Russian currency from April 1. According to the Kremlin, the change concerns nations that imposed sanctions against Russia with the intention of damaging the country’s economy, which includes most EU member states.


Putin warned EU countries that they would need to set up ruble accounts to pay for Russian gas, saying that existing contracts would be halted if the payments were not made.


On Saturday, the head of Latvia’s natural gas storage operator Conexus Baltic Grid said that all the Baltic states – Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania – were no longer importing Russian natural gas.

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 5:19 a.m. No.16008802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8817 >>8880

4 Apr, 2022 11:50


Britain wants Germany to get tougher with Russia - media

PM Boris Johnson is planning to urge Chancellor Olaf Scholz to impose further sanctions on Moscow, a UK newspaper claims


UK has another Tony Blair at the helm.


British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is hoping to persuade German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz to step up pressure on Russia when the two leaders meet in London on Friday, the Times reported.


According to the outlet, London is concerned that other NATO allies will force Ukraine to “settle” the conflict as soon as possible, while London strongly opposes the idea of signing a peace deal with Russia at any cost, insisting that Kiev should first of all be in the strongest possible position.


Johnson is reportedly going to urge Scholz to exert more diplomatic, economic and military pressure on Moscow.


The meeting later this week will be the German Chancellor’s first visit to London in his current capacity.


On Sunday, the British premier vowed to slap Russia with yet more sanctions and provide additional military support to Kiev. Johnson cited the alleged killing of civilians in the Ukrainian town of Bucha, accusing the Russian military of committing atrocities and promising that the UK “will not rest until justice is served.”


Chancellor Scholz, too, joined the chorus of indignation, saying that his government would make sure that “Putin and his supporters will feel the consequences” of their actions. German Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock revealed plans to “toughen the sanctions against Russia and further support Ukraine,” – a message also echoed by Germany’s Vice Chancellor and economy minister, Robert Habeck.


On Sunday, the Ukrainian government accused Russian troops of committing a “deliberate massacre.” Moscow, for its part, has strongly denied its involvement, claiming that the graphic scenes had been staged by Ukrainian authorities for the sake of making shocking TV footage. Russia described the events in Bucha as a “blatant provocation by Ukrainian radicals.”

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 5:22 a.m. No.16008816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8855


This article is a total justification for the continuation of lying to the public, andnow this is such an innovative new way of dealing with foreign countries during war


I bet that ptofessor is on the payroll

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 5:39 a.m. No.16008880   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This article tells me Boris Johnson has a lot of money laundering going through Ukraine, so he wants the war to continue even at the cost of citizens. This guy seems like a clown but he’s really just another corrupt cabal member doing hid war thing to erase his illegal dealings around the world!


Why is every world leader telling the leader of an independent country what to do and how to do it, and he listens? Hes a puppet! And the money

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 5:41 a.m. No.16008892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9109 >>9251 >>9303 >>9321

4 Apr, 2022 10:18

Iodine tablets to be issued in EU state

More fear porn to stir up Russian hatred, control the masses


Another EU country decides to provide citizenry with anti-radiation tablets amid Ukraine conflict


Romania’s health ministry has announced the dispersal of potassium iodine pills to all residents, up to the age of 40 years-old, including babies. The EU member state joins Finland, Bulgaria, Belgium and some others that have also provided such drugs to their population amid the ongoing Russian offensive in Ukraine.


A campaign to teach people about how to store and administer the tablets, which help reduce the impact of radiation on human systems, will kick off in the country this week, the ministry announced on Sunday.


The distribution of tablets is going to begin in the second half of April after a relevant legal procedure is established, it added. Officials didn’t mention the reasons for the move, but pointed out that “at the moment, there is no danger that makes it necessary to take these pills.”


Romania shares a 614-kilometer-long border with Ukraine, which operates four nuclear power stations.


In the wake of the Ukrainian conflict, the EU urged its member states to stockpile iodine pills – which swiftly became a scarce product – and other designated drugs, as well as nuclear-protective suits. Brussels also said that it was stepping up preparations for dealing with the aftermath of a possible chemical or biological attack.


In early March, a fire at Ukraine’s Zaporozhskaya nuclear power plant, which had been seized by Russian forces, made international headlines. The blaze was swiftly extinguished, with the International Atomic Energy Agency saying there had been “no critical impact on safety” at the facility.


Moscow has also pointed out that it had thwarted an attempt, by what it called Ukrainian radicals, to cut electricity supply to the former Chernobyl nuclear power station, which became the site of the world’s most devastating nuclear disaster in 1986.


Russia put its nuclear weapons on high alert a few days after launching its military operation in Ukraine, citing “aggressive statements” made by NATO and the harsh financial sanctions slapped on Moscow by the West.

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 5:45 a.m. No.16008912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8926 >>9109 >>9251 >>9303

4 Apr, 2022 08:34

China deploys army to Shanghai


The military personnel are tasked with helping doctors test all 26 million residents of the metropolis for Covid 19


China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) deployed more than 2,000 military medics to Shanghai on Sunday to help their civilian colleagues test the city’s entire population amid a Covid-19 outbreak. Reports confirming that the army has been called in appeared in a PLA newspaper.


The military reinforcements came on top of over 10,000 medical professionals from two adjacent provinces and Beijing who have recently arrived in the metropolis, as reported by the Chinese state media.


The deployment is described as the country’s largest public-health response since the first-ever documented Covid outbreak in the city of Wuhan in late 2019. Back then, more than 4,000 military medics were called in.


Shanghai authorities have set theambitious goal of conducting throat swabs on all 26 million residentsof China’s largest city and major financial hub. (At least they are not anal swabs…kek)


Shanghai has become one of the country’s biggest Covid hotspots in recent weeks, with authorities initially opting for partial lockdowns affecting various parts of the city separately. However, as the measures in place did not appear to contain the spread of the virus, the city last Monday introduced a two-stage lockdown, which has since been expanded to effectively confine most residents to their homes.


With 8,581 asymptomatic and 425 symptomatic Covid-19 cases reported on April 3, the outbreak would likely have been deemed a relatively insignificant one, had it happened elsewhere; however, the Chinese government’s so-called ‘dynamic zero’ Covid strategy calls for tough measures even if the caseload is low. The policy’s key principles are testing, tracing and quarantining all positive cases and their close contacts.


On Sunday, Shanghai residents were told to self-test and report any positive results, with nucleic acid tests planned for Monday all across the city.


Those who test positive for Covid in Shanghai are being placed in quarantine centers. City authorities have converted hospitals, gymnasiums, apartment blocks and even the Shanghai New International Expo Center into temporary quarantine facilities.

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 5:50 a.m. No.16008940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8960 >>9109 >>9251 >>9303

Ukraine President Zelenskyy Makes a Broadcast Appearance at the Grammy Awards

April 3, 2022 | Sundance |


It was February 24, 2022, when Deputy National Security Advisor Daleep Singh appeared at the White House podium to announce the official U.S. strategy for Ukraine. Singh boiled down geopolitical power to a cultural issue of social likeability when he said, “In this century, strategic power is increasingly measured and exercised by economic strength, by technological sophistication and your story – who you are, what your values are.”


Singh stated the quiet part out loud. The White House views “strategic power” through the prism of social influence and likeability. Within that approach pop icons are used as influencers and ambassadors, and Hollywood is the quintessential State Department tool.


So, it does not come as a surprise to see the U.S. government promoting the propaganda behind President Zelenskyy on the Grammy Awards broadcast. {Direct Rumble Link}


Unfortunately, once you see the strings on the marionettes, you can never return to that moment in the performance when you did not see them. Notice how Zelenskyy talks in short metaphors and soundbites for encapsulation and distribution.


That script was written for him to deliver by the same performance artists within the U.S. Department of State and intelligence community. It is100% constructed propaganda intended to support the ‘strategic power’ missionas outlined by Deputy National Security Advisor Daleep Singh.


These are the same people who created “#BringBackOurGirls” and “#KonySurrender” as strategic narratives intended to sway popular public opinion. This performance was made for a gullible television audience. There is nothing wrong with seeing through the scheme.


The harder they push this propaganda; the more people wake up to the manipulation. It’s a vicious cycle. The more desperate they become, the harder they push the propaganda. It’s one of the structural flaws that always exists in these operations. You are not crazy for noticing it. Trust your instincts.

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 5:53 a.m. No.16008965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9109 >>9200 >>9251 >>9303

Best headline ever!!

Sunday Talks, Hillary Creeps Out from the Catacombs to Demand More War and Bloodlust

April 3, 2022 | Sundance | 205


If there’s one political figure who should remain stewing over her toxic cauldron in the dark recesses of political caves, it’s Hillary. The same creature who purposefully destroyed the nation of Libya by organizing a NATO invasion, has no credibility to discuss foreign invasion by Russia.


Regardless of the outcome in Ukraine, whenever the conflict finishes, there will not be modern human slave markets in the streets, widespread graphic violence using machetes, race-driven and tribal genocide and tens of thousands of people continually shoveled by the dump trucks into mass graves. That’s the current status of ‘life’ in the north African country of Libya following the aftermath of Hillary’s war.


I would not normally even think about sharing any viewpoint from this evil and maniacal creature if it wasn’t for Clinton recently reopening the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative so she could scrape off some of the $14 billion in aid congress has allocated for Ukraine. Watch as she starts to frame her attack position and position Saudi Arabia, India, parts of Europe and China as targets for more “diplomatic leverage,” vis-a-vis blackmail sanctions, if they do not adhere to her call for the destruction of Russia.


She’s transparently trying to promote her influence – Tony Blinken was her former protege’ – as a potential influence broker if countries want to avoid being on the wrong side of the Biden-Blinken operation in Ukraine. Clinton is the Al Sharpton of shakedowns using geopolitical blackmail

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 5:57 a.m. No.16008991   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hungarian Prime Minister and Economic Nationalist Viktor Orban Easily Wins Reelection – NATO, Globalists, World Economic Forum and Western War Alliance Very Upset

I’m posting so anons can grab this picture


April 3, 2022 | Sundance | 210 Comments

The working class of Hungary have spoken. The people are not going to stop supporting Prime Minister Viktor Orban, their grandfatherly, pragmatic economic nationalist and populist leader. However, the U.S., NATO, Globalists, World Economic Forum and western alliance group, run by and from the CIA/State Dept operational headquarters, are not happy. Not happy at all.


Orban represents a visible middle finger to the interests of the one world order society, as he refuses to accept the era of western controlled “democratic norms.” You know, the modern catch phrase popularized by those who weaponize democracy in order to attain totalitarian objectives via modern multinational fascism (see: COVID mandates, rules and lockdowns).


HUNGARY – (via Guardian) – Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán, has declared victory in national elections, claiming a mandate for a fourth term following a campaign dominated by rows over the war in neighbouring Ukraine.


In a 10-minute speech to officials and supporters of his Fidesz party at an election night event in Budapest, Orbán addressed a crowd cheering “Viktor!” and declared it was a “huge victory” for his party.


“We won a victory so big that you can see it from the moon, and you can certainly see it from Brussels,” he said.

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 6:04 a.m. No.16009043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9053 >>9109 >>9207 >>9248 >>9251 >>9303

Pentagon Clarifies, No “Offensive” Biologic Weapons in Ukraine Bio-Labs Where U.S. Defense Dept Was Working

April 2, 2022 | sundance |

Every time the U.S. government attempts to clarify the biolabs in Ukraine, they end up making things less clear.


In the most recent example, Deborah Rosenbaum, the assistant secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical, and biological defense programs, told the House subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations on Friday that “I can say to you unequivocally there are no offensive biologic weapons in the Ukraine laboratories that the United States has been involved with.”


In a fact sheet produced March 11, 2022, the U.S. Defense Department admitted to working with biological weapons facilities in Ukraine [LINK]. “The United States … has invested approximately $200 million in Ukraine since 2005, supporting 46 Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and diagnostic sites.”


As the current story is told the U.S. government was coordinating with the Ukraine government on biologic research facilities, many of which were left over from the former Soviet era. In/around the time the Russian invasion was feared, they worked quickly to destroy the pathogens, because they were worried what might happen if the Russians took control of the facilities.


This begs the obvious first question, if the U.S. Defense Department was working with Ukraine since 2005, and they could destroy the deadly pathogens in a few days before the conflict, why didn’t the Pentagon destroy them in the preceding 16 years?


The second question targets the issues that are more opaque. The DoD says the U.S. has not been involved in “offensive biological weapon” creation in Ukraine. Technically, all of the weapons in the U.S. military are classified as “defensive” weapons, ergo the Department of Defense. Every weapon is defensive until it is used; then, depending on the circumstances, the use of the weapon changes its classification to offensive. Why would biological weapons be any different?


By the current standard of Defense Department definitions, all of the biological weapons they might be working with Ukraine to develop would technically be classified defensive weapons. As a result, saying “there are no offensive biologic weapons” is a rather moot and irrelevant point.


Three points:


♦ Point One – Russia and the U.S. Pentagon both agree the U.S. government was working in Ukraine in biological weapons labs.


♦ Point Two – Both Russia and the U.S. admit these were/are deadly biological pathogens.


♦ Point Three – The biggest difference between the two positions is that Russia says these were offensive weapons, and the U.S/Ukraine saying these were defensive weapons.


The debate is not about whether the U.S. Defense Department was operating and funding biological weapons laboratories in Ukraine. The U.S. government has now made that admission. The debate is now about the purpose or intent of those weapons.


If Russia was investing in biological weapons labs in Mexico, and if the Russian military was working inside those labs along with Mexican government officials, I suspect the United States would conduct a special military operation in Mexico to remove that threat.

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 6:29 a.m. No.16009181   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It was but they used to hypnotize the masses to put goofy flags of ukraine on twitter, that fad is disappearing because these people have a short attention span and easily manipulated

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 6:41 a.m. No.16009254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9282


You know, brilliant really, Putin knew they would sanction their money cut off swift and I bet he moved a ton if money back to Russia banks. And if all the reliant countries cant pay with dollars etc then the pay with gold or rubles

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 6:44 a.m. No.16009275   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Everything they do and say is twisted language, manipulate and they can because they destroyed education many years ago, dumb down US so we don’t understand the lies

Anonymous ID: b4fe40 April 4, 2022, 6:56 a.m. No.16009350   🗄️.is 🔗kun

4 Apr, 2022 13:02

HomeRussia & FSU

Russian ambassadors expelled


Lithuania and Latvia have also recalled their diplomatic representatives from Moscow


Lithuania and Latvia have announced the decision to downgrade their diplomatic relations with Russia, ordering Moscow’s ambassadors to leave the two Baltic states.


Lithuania's foreign minister, Gabrielius Landsbergis, announced on Monday that Lithuania’s diplomatic representative would also be recalled from Moscow in the coming days.


Vilnius also decided to shut down the Russian consulate in the city of Klaipeda.


“In response to Russia’s relentless aggressive actions in Ukraine, the Lithuanian government has made the decision to downgrade the status of diplomatic representation,” Landsbergis said, speaking to journalists. “The Russian ambassador will have to leave Lithuania,” he added.




I wonder if Russia really cares?