Same. Crowded buses are the worst, been walking and biking everywhere. On the plus side I now have legs and an ass of steel.
Don't use advil; anything synthetic works more effectively short term but is harder for the kidneys and liver to metabolise and break down which will lead to weird stones and other toxic build up in the body. I use hydrogen peroxide; gargle a bit and swallow. It oxygenates the body so don't use it at night time if you're already a poor sleeper. Otherwise if you want to use your bigpharma garbage, make sure to consume daily Milk Thistle and Choline to break down stones in the liver.
Zprotocol and Hydrogen Peroxide works fine for me, whenever I feel something coming on it never goes beyond a mild sore throat. Sore throat is early detection for oncoming/developing sickness so you should take precautions for sure within 1-3 days.