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Secretary of State Hillary Clinton…..
2009 - 2010: Skolkovo Innovation Center, a technology project akin to Silicon Valley, near Moscow, "unofficially" led by Vadislov Surkov, one of two Russian sources of the Steele Dossier, partnered with U.S. technology,ushered on by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration. Donors to theClinton Foundation,led on the Russian end by oligarch Viktor Vekselberg, and U.S. donors were involved. This center was nothing more than a way to make stealing technology easier on a larger scale, according to a report in 2012 by the U.S. Army, after it was discovered their Hypersonic missile technology was stolen. It shows the Clintons and their foundation involved with Surkov, whose pet project was Skolkovo. Relative to this project, in May of 2010,Clinton Foundation operatives were arranging Bill Clinton to meet with Vekselberg, andBill Clinton would be receiving a $500,000 speaking feein June, 2010.The Uranium One deal was being pitched at this time.
June 4, 2012: The foreign policy director of theClinton Foundation, Amitabh Desai, emailed Cheryl Mills and others at the State Department aboutViktor Vekselberg and his Renova Group company, a donor to the Clinton Foundation.He asked if it would be a problem to invite the Russian oligarch tech company president to a CGI (Clinton Global Initiative) meeting in NYC that was to take place in September of that year. Though there is no indication of a response (perhaps in a deleted email of Clinton??),Vekselberg arrived to NY the following October.