post moar tits, anons
wowser leftfag homo identified
then fuck right off nigger, go back to tel aviv
suck my ballsack glowtard
that aint gonna help when the slopeheaded Norks detonate an EMP weapon over the USA which fries your frikkin archive disk
nigger, I told you to stfu and leave
I want to believe
those space niggers will probe your ass
in your meme….xe/xim/xer/he/she looks fucking gay
shucks, is that a tranny? most probably a tranny like 99% of the US marine corp
Bring Moonman back!
the only lurkers here are the glowies
all alphabet agency employees are cucked homo faggot dick sucking troons
I only exist in your head, rent free in perpetuity
tripz ckd
vlad has been to berlin before
hey riddler gif-bot, please make me a ginger mound NCSWIC gif
I'll pay you in shekels of course