Like Seth Rich's family.
>WNBC noted that Stewart is a well-known animal lover, owning dogs, cats, birds, chinchillas and a host of other animals over the years
Not mentioned is the large nest of snakes in her head.
What a great opportunity and forum for the BRICs nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) to expose fake news and its use as propaganda.
Not only should Russia expose the lies of Zelensky and the western press regarding on going war crimes by proving Azov battalions' complicity, Russia (and China) should renew its previous call for U.S./NATO transparency on the Ukrainian Biolabs.
>The MSM still has a lock on keeping valid and truthful information out of the public eye.
What exactly do [they] have in the way of blocks, fail safes and dead man switches that makes the fake news so invulnerable? Seems that control of the "Means of Information Dissemination" should have been one of the original first objectives of The Plan. Instead we seen it veritably untouched 5 + years into this Great Information World War. The blocks must be WMD-sized as must be the blocks on the Big Tech Giants which are colluding to keep TS forever beta. Whatever they are, Q never dared even hinting of their nature.
This has been the most exasperating issue since the beginning. Unless their lock on World perception is broken, how do the Patriots expect to succeed? Absolutely consternating.