Anons - need some help or "another clue"
I'm tracking a lead from Q posts to look for telescope images and videos, however, open source material seems really thin.
I've narrowed down a couple that might be useful. South Pole Telescope (SPT), Subaru Telescope in Hawaii. Both of these have tracked infrared images.
Interesting that they want to defund SOFIA the flying telescope coming up in 2023.
"SOFIA’s annual operations budget is the second-most expensive operating mission in Astrophysics, yet the science productivity of the mission is not commensurate with other large science missions," officials wrote in a description of NASA's allocations in the 2023 federal budget request.
That request gives NASA about $26 billion for fiscal year 2023, which begins on Oct. 1. That's nearly $2 billion more than the agency is getting this year. The 2023 request must be approved by Congress to take effect.
I have a rant - WTH NASA and NSF?
None of all these images you take with these super expensive telescopes are online on your websites. We taxpayers pay for this stuff and you only release a miniscule set of images on your websites. And certainly not in your FOIA libraries. /rant off This is what passes for an archive for $26 billion dollars annually.[]=year%3A%222008%22&and[]=year%3A%222010%22&and[]=year%3A%222009%22
(pictures of the plane, none of the images from the missions)