Open source platform. Anon or public profiles. Credibility gained over time by validity of claims. Obv this is subjective so you build profiles of viewpoints by reactions, agree/disagree buttons, other input like this. Site pushes both content that you agree with the most, and the least to the highest visibility. When people you agree with on a number of issues posts something you disagree with, this is also pushed to you as a form of alert or notification. This forces you to reconsider and sharpen your positions, and uses social proof to make the adaption of your viewpoints a tad bit easier. Think Twitter replies but organized in a useful hierarchy. Also, predictions would be prioritized. Think the gay agenda would lead to wide acceptance of trans movement? When you posted that in 2005 it would have been captured and recalled later, methodically. Just one example but expand your thinking. Tags are heavily used and organized in a manner referenced above. Fact checkers? Fine. But their accuracy will be scrutinized over time by the source. Journalist writes an article? How is it sourced? What is the ENTIRE history of the articles written and positions taken publicly by this journalist? His financial ties? Family? Etc.
Easily accessible and accurate enough information disables this whole fuckin shit show from being able to go on. The technology already exists and is used every day by ordinary people, like Evernote and other organizational platforms. Just expand this in a social context and nobody can hide.
Problem is, this will quickly become a snitch site, and every power broker in the world would throw everything they had at this problem to stop it. Where do you draw the line? Who is entitled to be protected from doxxing and who isn’t?
The system could weed out random false claim until it is proven to be true. Then, the account that alleged Enron was a scam the earliest would have credibility and their other posts would be examined more carefully. Also, you can withdraw your opinions or change your mind, like we all do, and can be noted on the site as well. All parties would be able to personally respond to accusations or defend their past positions if they are tagged in some way. AI would help to push this info to all relative posts so people get the ability to clarify anything about themselves they want to.
Duplicate posts also get grouped and the highest voted version of said duplicate is the one shown, but all are available at a click.
Brain dump of something I’ve been thinking about for quite a while. Much more to it but this is the gist.