>The Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR)
Gotta wonder how hundreds of millions were passed thru these 'tax exempt' organizations when their net assets as of 2019 were (relatively) lean compared to other orgs. 2019 Tax returns show CTCL as having net assets of $3.05 Million and CEIR as having $1.4M. So how does $400M flow thru? Guess will have to wait for the FY 2020 filing to find out.
There is one common board member between the two groups- Pam Anderson serves as a Director for CTCL and Secretary for CEIR.
The other intrasting factoid in the CTCL IRS Form-990 from 2019 is this statement (page 14): "The Center's Government Services Program educates government agencies about the skills, strategies and tools to engage their citizens. This is accomplished through 1) written and multimedia materials and 2) In-person training seminars for local government agencies."
CTCL 2019: https://apps.irs.gov/pub/epostcard/cor/472158694_202001_990_2021040517888886.pdf
CEIR 2019: https://apps.irs.gov/pub/epostcard/cor/813815137_202006_990_2021042117978373.pdf