These Classic 50's and 60's TV Commercials Will Test Boomer Memories!
I grew up in the 50's & 60's and this excellent collection of TV commercials reminded me of sitting in front of the TV as a kid. It was a tiny Black & White set with Rabbit Ears that needed aluminum foil to get the distant stations.
Some Nazis didn't quite get a nice American welcome like the paperclip folks. It pays to be a smart scientist not a line soldier.
This is how my Drill Sergeant looked at Ft. Polk back in the summer of 69. He wasn't WOKE!
My people should be judged by their character not by the color of their skin. That is true equality not equity!
Those NAZIs were bad boys it appears back in the day.
Exhibits and Evidence at World War II War Crimes Trials, compiled 1945 - 1947. COMPILATION FILM REPORT: On conditions found in Nazi concentration camps in Germany and Belgium by advancing Allied Armies during World War II.
Confiscated WW2 German Newsreel Excerpts
The Mohammedan World
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) activities that had previously been covert, including actions in Iran, Vietnam, Laos, the Congo, Cuba, and Guatemala
Heart Of The Confederacy