my spouceanon used religious exemption (works in a hospital).
no jab. kept job. welcome to use this if it is an option..
I invoke my constitutional right to be exempt from the COVID-19 vaccine mandated based on my sincerely held religious convictions. These rights are protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act which prohibits any discrimination based on one’s religious beliefs. As a Christian, I believe that every single person is made in God’s image (Gen. 1:27). Part of being created in God’s image is to be endowed with a conscience, a God-given internal faculty that guides moral decision-making. A role of our conscience is to convict us when we do something wrong. I believe that to willfully act against one’s conscience is sinful. Romans 14:23 teaches that “For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.” This admonition seems especially pertinent when the action involves something as personal as injecting something into one’s body which, according to Scripture, is a “temple of the Lord” (1 Cor. 6:19). Due to the lack of testing in long-term viability, increasing evidence of harmful results, and the rising concerns of these injections, I cannot, in good conscience, comply with this mandate. I believe it is sinful to do something that goes against my conscience and, therefore, morally wrong to force me to do something against my conscience. I also have a strong conviction concerning abortion (i.e., the intentional killing of unborn children in the womb). Fetal cell lines were used in the development and production of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, and fetal cell lines were used in the testing of the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines. Passages from the Bible—including Exodus 21:22-25, Psalm 51:5-6; 139:13-16, Jeremiah 1:4- 5, and Luke 1:39-45—affirm the personhood of the unborn. I believe in the sanctity of the unborn and that receiving the COVID-19 vaccine would be a violation of my conscience, which prohibits me from even a remote complicity with the sin of abortion. These are my deeply held religious convictions and I believe these objections should be respected and that no one should be forced to do something they believe is morally impermissible.