Obama gave a directive after he bailed out the banks to find High Profile people and convict so the public thinks we are doing something against the rich….since we were pissed they were giving our money to the banks after they lent it to sub-prime people.
Why government was so eager to persecute Martha Stewart when much more important CEOs responsible for corporate scandals still enjoy freedom? Is it because her case was relatively easy and WordCom and Enron cases demand reading millions of pages?
Was Martha's process and conviction really a success for the ordinary person? Or was she singled out because she is famous and her career and influence were just growing too fast? Maybe too many people envy her carrer? Martha's bad press started long before this accusation as like some people were eager to find something against her. Does Martha belong with Enron? Somebody said - Martha was a single woman in a man ruled world.
Should government spent federal money for processes like that? The persecutors could not even indict Stewart on criminal insider-trading charges - so how she could lie about something she was not charged with? - I do not argue a point whether she lied or not. I am just not sure whether there was any reason to have a trial. Some people believe that she is guilty - because she is smart, so she knows what she's doing and she knows how stock market works. But, how many people walk away with even bigger "crimes" of this sort?
Why Martha was persecuted in the first place, when the main ENRON CEO, Ken Ley have not been even tried yet? He enjoys freedom and his wealth. Is it somehow related to the fact that she contributed to the democratic party whereas the other guy to republican ruling party?
Will her conviction cause her company to collapse and as a result many people would lose jobs? In the case of Enron or WorldCom it was just the opposite - the companies collapsed before anybody was even indicted; here - a zeal of the government could cause loss of jobs as the effect.
Will the streets of our towns become safer without Martha Stewart around?
http:// culture.polishsite.us/articles/art170fr.htm