Ty for your service.
Tell me about those atomic tests in the Pacific.
How many 'merica drope there, what power they had, what is the result.
Then tell me why 'merica found so many biolabs, and what drones do?!
I will not tell you about other biolabs, to not generate sheet, but there are many others, in some countries.
The 1A got me banned on azzfacebook, twatter, now I'm shadow banned on jewtube w/ 2 accounts. I let a comment, I log off, return, my comment is puffffffffffffffff, vanished.
This is a planet of freewill.
We don't harm people of the countries in here, we insult their gov.
Sometimes stoopid comments can kill……
Nike slaves, xi, tard….all in one.
How many are there?
After this war, we'll go at war w/ china, or fake alien invasion????????
I pee on your biden, this man is a true leader.
Ty for your service.
I already feel sorry…..
But I can't help you!
You better start to believe in good…..I' mean really believe, and maybe some will help you, it only depends on you.
I have no money or power to help you.
Be nice.
You have no idea what pain some people endure.
It is easy to insult.
Be thankful you're not in their place.
I lost my shit many times…………
Imagine 5 years of anger and alcohol………….
I've insulted even God.
So fuck you, girl.
five plus, years*
fuck off!!!!!!!!
This is the place for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are here b/c you need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You want that Q to help you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So fucking hypocrite!!!!!!!!!!!
Then you expect that Q goes, b/c you don't deserve it.
Maybe (you)s will learn something from this meme.
You slap a down person, come to me, you fucking fuck!!!!!!!
This is why you bomb Somalia?????????????????
Bomb Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does miley buy his lipstick from taylor lane and panties from victoria's not secret??????????
when you don't like what you hear, put fingers in the ears.
call me when skunkworks will fake an alien invasion.
I give no fuck about other shit.
I want this shit show to end, like yesterday, and aliens is the final act.
I believe that is the moment that I will fly…………
It will be so funny…………..
Imagine me, flying w/ my baby and 20,30 loving family around capitol…………………………..