(You) lucky fags are here witnessing a planets evolution to the light in real time. Not just witnessing but actively contributing to the process. This is bigger than anyone can imagine.
Has anyone read the thread
“ I am a Rofschild, Axe me a question?”
Pro tip
How do you react when someone addresses you with fear and fear about the situation in the world? Do you have the courage to say:
“Don’t be afraid ! Fear not ! Trust in GOD ! It is important that now everything that is based on lies and greed, collapses, so that FINALLY a NEW SYSTEM, a system of fairness, love, kindness, truth and equality can be created! ”
BE BRAVE and speak your opinion!
Show your fellow human being that you are not afraid of the collapse and cleaning up of the old! Because that’s how you help them to RECOGNIZE that there’s nothing to fear. BE THE EXAMPLE OF THIS TIME AND OUR AMBASSADOR among men.
Interesting thread on Omnicron and negative ETs
Can’t believe anons don’t see it yet, why Elon is helping, what motivated him.
“While most people have heard of Tesla, far fewer have heard of the United States Department of Energy Loan Programs Office, a $40 billion fund inside the DOE that helped fund one of Tesla's first car factories and launch the company.”
I think he took a bunch of our money given by the cabal / Hussein and now he is atoning.