Warnicke is a squirrelly fuckin low-IQ nigger. Goofy damn woman-beater.
Well, when ya fill gov't agencies with muzzies, niggers and other global trash, no integrity remains. These two are muzzies.
Infiltration IS the invasion.
I think 200+ years of trying to civilize niggers has clearly shown they cannot function in human society.
They are very dangerous pets. The only 'wake-up' they will ever have is if we helicopter-drop a few million of them into the Libyan slave markets.
There's no such thing as a "Qanon" or a "QAnon movement".
Only media and feds use that word.
Realizing niggers are a lesser species is not 'bigoted'.
If you can't see that, understand the most dangerous spot in America is next to a nigger. They will kill you after you give them everything.
ALL the fucks of Media Matters need to ride their bikes in front of trains like their dead leader, Eric Whatever.
Save us the rope!
No shit! Fuckers weren't worth a shit unless we put a bullwhip to them!
Niggers are far too labor intensive to maintain as viable slaves. Useless fuckers won't even work for their own food!
You are correct. The 'Qanon' freaks have never read the Q drops. They just repeat what other people say the drops said.
Lame, lazy, ignorant.
If we get rid of the niggers and illegals, white people will not be reduced to such levels. Trailer trash pays taxes to feed the worthless fucks, too!
Jews are niggers, too