Could someone post that gif (or clip.l whatever) of the hall + Oates cover.. “you’re a cunt”
>major QAnon forum.
Could someone post that gif (or clip.l whatever) of the hall + Oates cover.. “you’re a cunt”
>major QAnon forum.
Fear not.
365 times in the Bible.
Better to be seated when God’s wrath appears?
Kekekek that bowser is a raging lefty too.
That would be the fake Coach purse place… or maybe the sushi boat place? Or the place where they make fortune cookies and they yell at you if you try to take a picture.
make media matters great again
In middle school we had this asshole kid who used to slide pot in kids’ lockers, then go tell the principal they think xx had pot in their locker.
T y for watching.. cannot stomach it today.
Wow.. that IS real. No worries. Their prizes have been bad for years. Besides, easy to make your own.
>Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jills" could be the new tune in baseball stadiums this upcoming season.
Keks in doubtful
>main twatter rally point in my day.
I remember that circa 2018.. but just assumed those pushing it weren’t visiting the board (s) here, rather parroting second hand knowledge. I’m splitting hairs I guess.
Kekek.. not quite right. The OP does have a point though.. grain shortages affect more than just the pesky vegans.