Unlimited Bitcoin mining…
They didn't mention Google's AI, was used to control the magnetic coils…
…and niggers, jews, the sexually immoral, sodomites, pagans, faggots, lesbians, transvestites, transexuals, marxists, leninists, scientologists, mormons, muslims, polygamists, democrats, liberals, RINOs..yadda, yadda, yadda
The inherent bigotry of Qresearch fundies. Only straight, white, conservative, evangelicals allowed…
You must be new. QR is globally recognized by the non-stop hatred of anything not identifying as straight, white, & evangelical.
Roman pagans try to out-jew the Jews to prove Moloch loves them more.
Such a bunch of "pick-me" pansies.
Not a single Big Pharma backed R is getting rich from children being injured and killed by toxic injections every single day of the year.
"This is not about R vs D"
Easter (Ishtar/Asherah) is pagan, just like Christmas (Yule), but don't tell the Christians, its secretly about sex.
"Fucking like rabbits"
Prolific breeders
Back when we valued fertility, life, babies and growing populations. The greedy King hates feeding all those mouths, so instead of setting his breeders free, he has his priests train them to fear and hate sex…fewer "breeders" = fewer eaters = more for the Royal family and the priests.
They are all Jews. Abraham was a Jew, and so were all his children (religions).
"We've got enough. Burn down their Ashera (fertility idols) and forbid them to worship them (sex)."