happy is a state of mind, not of circumstance ; you don't know anyone that is just happy all the time, no matter what is going on?… while others are just always miserable even with creature comforts and good health; ever hear the story about little Johnny Optimism? He got a room for of horse shit for his birthday and he dove in and mucked through it all……"there has to be a pony in here somewhere" ; if you are waiting for someone else, or something to happen, to make yourself happy you will never get there ; yet, there is some value in being the dour one…..nothing will surprise you ; and having no expectations helps, if you want to be just mildly surprised about anything; the world is a fucked up place, up and down…inside and out, so don't wait for it to cater to your whims
makes one think Willard might be being such an asshoie as part of some scheme he got stuck into doing…as those other two were certain votes, and he made it the 53