we there?
My orders are to come clean me and let me fly.
Me and baby will fix it fast, I will do the dirty, w/ pleasure.
This planet it is full of stoopid people, that call them humans, but in reality they are gibbons.
My family is @me everyfucking day.
They will find me even a fucking cosmic event will take me away of this planet.
It is about frequency.
And they love mine…………..
B/C i fuck stoopid people……………
I don't click what stoopid people give me.
They hope to change my mind.
This is why I like to stay distant from people.
You know…..covid, idiocy……
Nice hair………..
Seems to me that you're on the wrong toilet.
GHEY toilet is between man's toilet, and woman's toliet………
X's toilet is in the woods.
Then satan will die, and we'll live happy 1000 years.
we'll froze him.
Do you think that I am God????????
I'm a simple tard…….
I need help, someone to shot him w/ tranquil…..
Someone to tide he's hands, someone w/ legs, someone to power on the generator, some people to stay around if something goes wrong……… we, the people.
You're free to think whatever the fuck you want……..
I also think that you're a very intelligent person, that likes to express himself in many posts……
not b/c you're stoopid, but b/c you have many ideas……
I amAnother LifeIntelligent EvolvedNatural.