>this is the result of decades of demonizing religion, pumping the media (movies, TV, music) full of sexualized imagery, and then giving children as much porn (internet) and drugs that they could ever use.
MORE even than that: children's exposure, from the womb through puberty, to endocrine-disrupting chemicals has chemically altered their hormonal systems to the point that they truly ARE confused. Many first-world countries have BANNED endocrine-disrupting chemicals, but in the USA, pre-puberty boys spray themselves with "Axe Body Spray" all over their bodies; girls bathe in chemicals which alter their hormones and interfere with every function performed by the endocrine system; and "gender confusion" reigns. Also consider the government-mandated endocrine-disrupting chemical exposures from fire-retardant chemicals mandated for children's pajamas, and for all cloth-upholstered furniture. In the USA, endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure is a true "pandemic," one which has been mandated and pushed by treacherous politicians and their bureaucratic minions.