this is you…lmao !!
they throw it in your face and you don't even realize it
gosh your kinda slow aren't you…just sayin
i love redheads too…but that one looks way too what maybe 14?
grammar and
thats so junior high
at this point who cares
earth spins at 66,666 mph
why isn't stuck to the walls
why do planes traveling the same distance
east west north or south travel at the same speed………why is the sky blue
to me its obvious why are you so stupid ??
thats my real question
Earth is orbiting the sun at 66,600 mph and rotating at 1,038 mph, why don't we feel, or detect, any inertial or centrifugal forces?
this is you…..
really why do compasses point north towards mt meru….not down towards the supposed magnetic core
hogwash…you need to to back… the state fair
exactly……that is why when the grand deception comes to a head you will fall for it hook line and sinker
one thing at a time..your not even past first…nah lets say second