never necessarily midnight
anytime tomorrow is still 10th day
and even then….he could go longer
never necessarily midnight
anytime tomorrow is still 10th day
and even then….he could go longer
that doesn't qualify for anything
YEP this is significant
Great find anon
So one was on Jan 29 the other was early February (feb 6th ?) And 33 children both times
Satanic holiday's around that time:
Feb. 2 Candlemas (Sabbat Festival) blood animal and/or human sacrifice
Feb. 2 Satanic Revels sexual oral, anal, vaginal 7-17 female
Feb. 25 St. Walpurgis Day blood communion of blood and dismemberment any age
Mar. 1 St. Eichatadt blood drinking of human blood for strength and homage to the demons any age (male or female)
These people are disgusting
This is what I believe too. All others subtly change meaning or leave out key words. Ultimately other translations attempt to diminish Jesus and his key importance to salvation
Let me try:
My fish is flat therefore the earth is flat
My driveway is flat therefore the earth is flat
My tire is flat therefore the earth is flat
My pizza is flat therefore the earth is flat
My Pepsi is flat therefore the earth is flat
My butt is flat therefore the earth is flat
My wife is flat therefore the earth is flat
My singing is flat therefore the earth is flat
My personality is flat therefore the earth is flat
My head is flat therefore the earth is flat
Am I close?
KEK catch 22