==A new nail in our kids’ coffins as a Democrat groomer is put on the Supreme Court
by Michael Scheuer
The Democrats really know how to mark “National Child Protection Month’, don’t they? In the midst of a nationwide effort to remind Americans that their children — down to toddlers and even younger kids — are under threat from the kidnappers, traffickers, molesters, rapists, and torturers emanating from the extraordinarily large pro-pedophile wing of the Democratic Party, the capital of world pedophilia in Hollywood, the Clinton and Biden families and their followers and gunmen, and startling numbers of top officials in the banking and business worlds, the Democrats nominate and seat a a friend of these sub-human criminals on the Supreme Court. Perhaps it takes one to know one.
Given this reality, it is no wonder that the Democrats chose this month to put a pedophile champion and protector on the U.S. Supreme Court. With her record of protecting child predators and pedophiles from the bench, and having managed to shut down the so-called “Pizza Gate” investigation into the affairs of John Podesta and other child lovers in his gang, the new justice has been rewarded by her repulsive and depraved owners in the Democratic Party. A black woman who clearly cannot discern good from evil, normal sexuality from mind-numbing depravity, or liberty from slavery, is not what America needs in on the Supreme Court. After all, we already have two Democrat-groomed white women on the Court who have a similar savage lack of discernment and commonsense.
Republican senators Mit Romney, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski — the pride of their presumably pedophile-loving electorates — also supported the pedophile-loving Democrats in placing a black female pedophile protector/enabler on the highest court in the land. Those three beauties must have a heck of lot to hide, and so the Democrats simply bought their votes by threatening exposure.
At least one thing is now clear, however, the Democrats will enlist no candidates for any position if they are not champions of the depraved freak-world in which all Democrats frolic, groom, and fornicate with anything that moves, and who is willing to defend and promote the tender and loving treatment of men who have thousands of photographs of kids and babies being raped, tortured, and/or murdered, or who have participated in those activities.
It is enormously ironic that a minimally talented, pervert-friendly black woman — probably best suited to be a Disney script writer — will now sit for the rest of her life in a Supreme Court Justice’s chair, not as a champion and defender of liberty, freedom, justice, and commonsense, but as the grand protector, the killer angel if you will, of every sexual pervert who slithers out of one the Democratic Party’s various plantations where their slaves are stock-plied for future deployment to kidnap, groom, molest, sell, rape, and kill America’s children.