>Death By 'Suicide': Life Insurance Companies Will Likely Deny Most COVID Jab Claims
There is one indisputable way to overcome all similar such obstacles: Revolution
>Death By 'Suicide': Life Insurance Companies Will Likely Deny Most COVID Jab Claims
There is one indisputable way to overcome all similar such obstacles: Revolution
>Currently 70% of the posters IP addresses are federal government agentsโฆ Dark Trace
How do you supposedly know this?
I actually believe that cats might be a vector for this, from personal experience with local cats behaving very weirdly
>CodeMonkey has been posting the DARK TRACE for a whileโฆ. Are you in a cave?
I don't know that much about this site and rarely visit it.
>I don't know that much about this site and rarely visit it.
Well, rarely until recently. I visit it in spurts.
Oh, that one event in history, eh? So cats can never be a vector for that reason?
Sound logic.
They might have also distributed it by bird as there were unexplained mass bird deaths around that time as well. And guess what? Cats eat birds.
>Government agencies are the easiest IP addresses to trackโฆ
Not if they don't want to be, obviously. Nothing stops them from using proxies.
>This idea of following pundits is deeply baked in I think.
Only a LOT of thought and rest can free you from following people.
This is because wIthout lots of thought and rest, you cannot figure anything out or vet anything.
So people who either have no time to think and rest or don't take the time to do it cannot do anything other than delegating "thinking" to others.
So it is essential to present that reality to them, or they won't do it. People cannot merely will themselves to think independently, they need to take the time to do it.
>So it is essential to present that reality to them, or they won't do it. People cannot merely will themselves to think independently, they need to take the time to do it.
Oh, and basically you can also think of it this way: without a lot of thought and rest, what can a person do to think "independently" aside from just choosing opinions randomly?
>Lockdown in Shanghai, China ๐จ๐ณ
>No child should ever be treated like this.
Or maybe COVID has potential for severe harm and the Chinese government knows about this.
For example, reproductive harm.
>This is why I'm so pissed at the medical community. We grew up in a world in which some level of trust was bestowed on experts, because we can't all study to be doctors, scientists, engeineers, etc. But now that trust has been destroyed. We grope around
They've been lying about things for a long time. That's the natural state of things, actually. Our system is regressing to a self-destructive state of things where the selfishness of people in power leads them to destroy their people stealthily.
>You must be new here eh?
>Or a chinese shill?
The Chinese protecting the Chinese (if they are) does not mean they like us, or anything.
>People cannot merely will themselves to think independently
>a whole history of philosophers and inventors say youre talking out your ass
A whole history is filled with liars trying to condition you to become retarded tools of the elite.
>brilliant reply
>you are smert
Yes. Only because I have a lot of free time to think and rest.
>Did Trump really write this?
Trump has some connection to Turkey, so Oz makes sense.
>The path to transhumanism is the most equitable future
No, the powerful, whatever ethnicity dominates them, will decide who breeds. That will not be remotely equitable.
>Muh Transhumanism=Transgenderism
And there is no real inherent link between transhumanism and transgenderism. It is just a strong desire by the powerful to control who breeds.
>After reading that, I can't believe people take him and his endorsements seriously.
He picks people based on their underlying connections, not based on their past professed beliefs, and he himself is not necessarily honest about all the things he supports.
>slip slope
No, the transgenderism thing is orthogonal to it, It just reveals pure selfish human nature of the elites.
People need to understand that the powerful understand the lines between factions and families that we don't see and that explains many things, but also you should all understand that you don't really know what Trump will do.
That's a great campaign slogan for her.
>How is telling someone that they are healthy implying loyalty?
Remember when many partisan doctors were saying he wasn't healthy?
>The KEKs are never ending with this guy.
>We are watching a movie.
>I am almost afraid to admit I am enjoying it so much that I never want it to end.
You are quite sick then.
>Killing innocent cats for a disease that doesn't exist. Holy shit you're stupid.
I'm pretty sure it does exist.
>You're all NPCs. I'm literally Player One and I have this one life to live. Fate and destiny for me is real, which means all of you have a fate and destiny as well. Luckily, I don't have to worry about anything, because my best life is going to be handed to me and I'll never have to deal with all of you and the poor life choices you make and continue to make for yourselves and those around you.
You shouldn't watch movies. They're just programming. Especially Jewish movies, as Jews have the most genocidal of endgames in mind due to their low numbers.
>It's never been isolated, there's no test for it, and no one has a sample of it. The shill wants people to believe covid exists, that says everything right there.
They've been claiming to have isolated it throughout the entire epidemic. You're falling for a narrative. Don't believe the "opposite side" just to oppose something else.
This tendency of people leads to a super common false opposition system which presents two false sides.
>Oh the ironyโฆ
Germany is in no shape to do even as well as that time, from the looks of things.
>And tell me exactly who would be stupid enough to believe claims made by the MSM or government? You didn't even make an argument. That's straight shill logic.
Oh, don't worry, they're sophisticated enough to present two false sides and manufactured "dissidents", and they do that.
I believe it because on the whole I think that what we've seen is well explained partly by some illnesses.
>I'm technically Jewish.
I appreciate the honesty, but that explains your promotion of horribly bad things.