23+ year Combat Veteran here. You wanna know how I know all this "War Footage" in Ukraine is Bullshit? Nothing has dirt on it. Gear, Vehicles, Equipment, Uniforms. All brand spanking new, as if it came fresh from the Cleaners or Wash Rack. Must've stocked up on Car Wax with all those shiny ass vehicles.
Then there's the "Trenches" they're all "digging"… Kek Kek Kekkity Kek. Not a speck of the red clay on any of their spandex underwear covered in pristine kit with Rubberized Patches. Then footage of them shoveling dirt from one pile to another with zero tactical advantage. Parapets facing the wrong direction as the reporter points out recorded "mortar fire" from a speakerbox in the woodline.
It's all a fuggin joke. Their movie war suuuuux! Wag the Dog was Way Better!