Sure GROOMER shill
Although vaccination is recognized as the cause of death by doctors and the insurance company, it has refused to pay out. The reason is because the side effects of the Corona jabs are known and published. They argue that the deceased took part in an experiment at his own risk. Covid-19 in itself is not classed as a “critical illness”.
This is why the Nuremberg Trials 2.0 are necessary…their assets to be divided among the murdered and harmed, then the murderers will be executed by firing squad or hanging…possibly old sparky might play a role…sizzle
under emergency approval probably not, but if they obtained FDA approval fraudulently, they would have a case and I doubt all Pfizer documents have been released to the courts…as far as I know.
Or go after FRUADci…Let the Fraudci Class Action Lawsuits for $10 million begin!!!
February 7, 2022
Putting Fauci in the law's crosshairs
By now I’m sure everyone has heard of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., an attorney in a New York law firm. and his newest book, The Real Anthony Fauci.
On pages 19-20, Kennedy writes the following:
Most of my fellow Democrats understand that Dr. Fauci led an effort to deliberately derail America’s access to lifesaving drugs and medicine that might have saved hundreds of thousands of lives and dramatically shorten the pandemic. There is no other aspect of the COVID crisis that more clearly reveals the malicious intentions of a powerful vaccine cartel – led by Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates – to prolong the pandemic and amplify its mortal effects in order to promote their mischievous inoculations. …
From the outset, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and other therapeutics posed an existential threat to Dr. Fauci and Bill Gate’s $48 billion COVID vaccine project… Under federal law, new vaccines and medicines cannot quality for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) if any existing FDA-approved drug proves effective against the same malady….Thus if any FDA-approved drug like hydroxychloroquine (or ivermectin) proved effective against COVID, pharmaceutical companies would no longer be legally allowed to fast-track their billion-dollar vaccines to market under Emergency Use Authorization. … Dr. Fauci has invested $6 billion in taxpayer lucre in the Moderna vaccine alone. His agency is co-owner of the patent and stands to collect a fortune in royalties.
So there was good reason that very powerful potentates of the medical cartel were already targeting HCQ long before President Trump began his infamous romance with the malaria remedy. President Trump’s endorsement of HCQ on March 19, 2020 hyper-politicized the debate and gave Dr. Fauci’s defamation campaign against HCQ a soft landing among Democrats and the media. … But HCQ had a long history of safe medical use that got lost in the politics and propaganda.
Did Kennedy actually write, “Dr. Fauci’s defamation campaign against HCQ”? Yes! He did! And there is a legal term for such a campaign. It’s called “fraud”!
== All 51 American Jurisdictions recognize deliberate deception and misrepresentation leading to injury or harm as fraudulent activity that the law will recompense with money damages, including punitive damages. It may also be a crime in some states, but injured parties should not go there, as that will place control in the hands of a bribable public prosecutor.
If everyone injured by Fauci’s lies would bring suit for fraud, there would be a million flowers blooming across the fruited plain. It would be marvelous if this scenario were to become the mother of all class actions. (As an incentive, Fauci’s investments are worth apparently worth $10 million.) ==
Dr. Fauci’s defamation campaign against HCQ a soft landing among Democrats and the media. … But HCQ had a long history of safe medical use that got lost in the politics and propaganda.
Did Kennedy actually write, “Dr. Fauci’s defamation campaign against HCQ”? Yes! He did! And there is a legal term for such a campaign. It’s called “fraud”!
== All 51 American Jurisdictions recognize deliberate deception and misrepresentation leading to injury or harm as fraudulent activity that the law will recompense with money damages, including punitive damages. It may also be a crime in some states, but injured parties should not go there, as that will place control in the hands of a bribable public prosecutor.
If everyone injured by Fauci’s lies would bring suit for fraud, there would be a million flowers blooming across the fruited plain. It would be marvelous if this scenario were to become the mother of all class actions. (As an incentive, Fauci’s investments are worth apparently worth $10 million.) ==
Court Documents
Pfizer’s Documents
Media Inquiries
Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency
This nonprofit, made up of public health professionals, medical professionals, scientists, and journalists exists solely to obtain and disseminate the data relied upon by the FDA to license COVID-19 vaccines. The organization takes no position on the data other than that it should be made publicly available to allow independent experts to conduct their own review and analyses. Any data received will be made public on this website.
The attorneys that represent ICAN are representing the plaintiff in a lawsuit against the FDA to obtain Pfizer’s covid vaccine documents. They recently secured an unredacted copy of a previously produced post-authorization adverse event report. The lifted redactions reveal that within weeks of Pfizer’s vaccine being administered pursuant to emergency use authorization, Pfizer, apparently unexpectedly, had to hire 600 full time employees “to help alleviate the large increase of adverse event reports” being received by the company.
You can find initial redacted copy of the report here and the unredacted copy here with the redactions lifted on page 6.
The lifted redactions also reveal the number of doses that had been shipped as of the date of the report (just over 126 million doses), offering at least some denominator to assist in understanding the volume of reports following vaccination. Notably, this is the number of doses shipped and the report does not disclose the number of doses administered by the date of the report.
ICAN will continue to review the incoming documents as they are made public and will continue to share them with our supporters.
Pfizer, Moderna Sued by Alnylam in New Fight Over Covid Shots
Biotech company claims to have developed crucial technology
Legal action adds to battles over credit for vaccines’ origins 3/17/22
Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc. said it had filed lawsuits against Pfizer Inc. and Moderna Inc., alleging that the companies had infringed its patents for their Covid-19 vaccines.
The biotechnology company claimed that lipid nanoparticle technology it developed was an important component of the vaccines, which have been given to millions of Americans and generated billions in revenue for Pfizer and Moderna. Alnylam said it is seeking damages.
Pfizer whistle blower launches lawsuit alleging the drug company fabricated & falsified covid 19 vaccine trial data
‘Defendants deliberately withheld crucial information from the United States that calls the safety & efficacy of their vaccine into question’
12:47 AM · Feb 18, 2022
Dr Aseem Malhotra
Pfizer's History of Fraud, Corruption, and Using Nigerian Children as 'Human Guinea Pigs'
How did Pfizer manage to rebrand itself as the savior of humanity?
Guide to an Evil Empire: Pfizer Lawsuits
Pfizer's Covid-19 Vaccine Documents Counter "Safe And Effective" Narrative
9-pages of side effects, 158,893 adverse events, 42,086 case reports, 1,223 fatalities in Pfizer's first three months and a record death rate among American millennials during the second half of 2021.
Wonder why sealed for year?
Falsifying data looks like willful misconduct.
HHS may need to take an “enforcement action ending in penalty for manufacturer” before legal action can be taken by those harmed (?)
Fraudulent trial data should remove any immunity from #Pfizer to lawsuits.
The British Medical Journal backs the investigation by Paul Thacker and whistleblower Brook Jackson, who spoke out about a Pfizer vaccine clinical trial with evidence suggesting it was fraught with problems. There’s been pushback from the contractor running the trial and from Pfizer, but Thacker and Jackson are standing firm— producing documents and recordings that back up her story.
Another sick ass demented degenerate going into politics…NO on OZ
Thanks for posting anon!!!
Good and interesting points…but I'm going to stick to that he's just another Red Flag Laws supporter Lindsey Graham or stab you in the back in your hour of need Pence?
Just got banned from a conservative group on GAB…obviously they don't believe in free speech or did I make a tranny cry?
the Patriot, the Socialist and the Commie…aka, the good, the bad and the ugly is a classic.
From this board 8kun? Or Sale & Pepe?
I just can't get over censoring conservatives…that don't have a clue to what free speech is. They too are offended pussies with double standards.
Maybe he's seen the light (or pure evil of the left & rinos)
I never have from this board 8kun or 8ch
I have had both accounts on facistbook disabled permanently…one account open since 2008. Facistbook jail more times than I can count, longest stent 8 months
Banned from Twitter, Parler, and one other
Bold & Pitiful…kek, which social media site is that one?
Best of luck to you fren, getting it cleared up on here! Hope you do!
MAGA 5/6 sec mark
If you know, you know
Games are indeed fun…Take great care!
Hillary Killary was never about to win that Senate Seat legitimately
I understand completely…it always stuck with me, too. I would hope Vice President…2024?
That one is a new one for me.
Goodnight fren <3