He allowed it to happen.
>Sometime you must show the people the truth
But only after start the devolution of government process.
>The Military is the only way
He allowed it to happen.
>Sometime you must show the people the truth
But only after start the devolution of government process.
>The Military is the only way
They get submerged into coolant.
Except that it isn't.
The more that are awake the sooner this gets fixed.
>So who shall we really blame?
For allowing them to turn us all into little more than sheep over the past ten decades.
They hate everyone except (You), Anon. ;)
Tell me about it. Kek.
The stupid I see around me while in public has given me so much negative feelz that I just stopped going out in public altogether. Seriously.
Patently incorrect.
Perhaps someday.
I've never been great with people.
Most think I'm Gumpish and mock me, (not all, and only until they get to know me), because of my HFA and nervous stuttering issue.
We have one thing those that came before lacked to break the system.
Instantaneous communication with the rest of the planet.
80mm to 1 says we win.
Also incorrect.
IF, and it's a huge if, we fail, we will go down fighting AND they'll be coming with us.
I'm not going to do your thinking for you.
Think on my replies to you and take them to their logical conclusions.
Or don't, and carry on with your defeatist attitude.
>Everything woke turns to shit.
Translation; I'm teeing these people up so Anons and Normies alike can see them for who/what they are and respond in kind.
Just apply this dated song to the cabal at large.
>'Cause the Eagle and the Bear make a mighty strong pair