>>16049410 pb
Not everyone might knows that the LOGO, are "sigel" which are energized by their rituals?
Same as with an Yantra or an perhaps even an Icon?
>>16048874 pb
yes, her headpiece looks like their depiction of a corona viri.
an she's bearing a sickle
i'd say that's coms
found it on Mr. Tdog's telegram
>>16048923 pb
>>16049002 pb
>>16049354 pb rik clay on the LOGO
anon believes their LOGO are 'energized' with their meditations / intentions,….deliberately.
for occultiists there's a 'suble plane' the akash, or for westerners the 'ether' 'aesther'
'morphic field'
shills are liars, just like whom they work for;
claim POTUS doesn't pray, whereas there are many videos of just that.
they know so little about POTUS, they can't even lie properly.
funny, many Liberals I know only know POTUS second hand through what others (mass media) say;
they have a distorted 'fun -house mirror' idea of who he is.
they believe the craziest shit about him too.
anon is sure some still believe the pee-pee story.
The whole real story should be, at some point, aired out via the Network broadcast news, just so everything is clear.