so we hit on
freedom day
and schiff
did we have any notable [d]ay [o]f [d]ays stuff
DOD dept of defense
NO because the Q crumb [d]ay [o]f [d]ays was on 1/31 which fell on :55 on the clock
which was thursday
total confirmation
in the spirit of this getting so many confirmations today…. lets be on the lookout for these crumbs for confirmations today (friday) 6/1
nope… in her 30's
i compiled Q posts last week that correlated with the dates on the Q clock. :55 was thursday and past dates at :55 were 4/1, and 1/31
based on those dates and the crumbs Q posted on them we knew to look for a few things in the news on thursday
freedom day
adam schiff
and [d]ay [o]f [d]ays
we got all 3
i have also included the clock for tomorrow